Wednesday 30 March 2011

Casato Prime Donne, Part 2

After siesta time, we were given a tour of the wine-making process and the cellars where the wine is aged in huge wooden barrels. It was fascinating and impressive!

It was cool and dim in the cellar. There was art here too.

After the tour, we arrived back in the small gift shop where wine could be purchased. The staff were experts in packing the wine in special styrofoam containers for safe transport home in our luggage. Because I am allergic to red wine, we didn't buy a bottle of Brunello but got a nice white wine instead.

Our intention was to drink the wine on our next anniversary in 2009. Well, we forgot. 2010 came and went too, with our bottle of wine still gathering dust on the wine rack. But this year we made a determined effort and remembered to open our special wine on our anniversary.

It was a wonderful remembrance of our perfect day at Casato Prime Donne.

[Photos © 2008 and 2011 by Debra She Who Seeks and My Rare One]


  1. I don't understand this concept of forgetting to drink wine ;)

  2. What a nice trip that must have been—and relaxing too.

  3. Got caught up on 2 blog posts today. I swear i could feel the sun on my back as I gazed at the photos. What a lovely trip, but I do agree with Corinna about this unheard of 'forgetting to drink wine' thing you've got going, Debra!

  4. Oh yummmmmmmm... An aged white wine. Hooray for finally celebrating with it!


  5. I read all of these anniversary entries in one sitting and found myself in love with your little love story and the pictures. From start to finish, it just kind of picked up my spirits entirely. WOnderful photos to illustrate it all. Kinda like the cartoon "do me sweater" one. Happy anniversary, and may you have at least forty-two more.

  6. Ah, that is just a sweet story. :) And allergic to red wine?!?! Oh, no, my life would fall apart if that happened! :D

    Happy anniversary to you too!


  7. Here's to many more anniversary together.

  8. What a wonderful anniversary story :-)

  9. all the sweeter..on your anniversary.

  10. I too am allergic to red wine (unless I use it in cooking!), so I can relate.

    And I can't get over how clean every little nook and cranny is in that winery! You would think that there would be a little dust on the barrels, (and call it earthy!) but I sure didn't see any! Kind of puts my own house to greater shame.

    I loved the tour, and the sentiment! I do hope that you saved the bottle, or at least the label! If not, then you'll always have the memories, and your wonderful photos!

    Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  11. Oh wow!!! I have always wanted to go experience wine making,'s one of the things I shall do before I die :) hopw u njoyed ur special wine :)

  12. Well worth the 'wait' I am sure!

  13. That's beautiful! Loved these two posts...I so want to go to Tuscany. Congrats on finally opening that bottle!

  14. What a lovely layer this story added to your romantic anniversary, Debra. Memories of shared times are sweeter than any wine, aren't they?

    Though not much of a drinker myself, (coming from a family of alcoholics!), I did have a good chuckle at Corinna's comment....:)

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    Imagination Lane


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