Monday 21 March 2011

Baby Emerson

Have you seen this viral video yet of Baby Emerson?

Apart from being just too darn cute for words, this video reminds me of that old Cat Stevens song Silent Sunlight --

. . . remember . . .
when all things were tall
and our friends were small
and the world was new.

It's a funny video but there's a real poignancy to it too, I think, at least from my middle-aged vantage point where no experience is new or surprising like that anymore!

And on another note, how long will it be until Hollywood turns this into a movie? Gawd knows they've based movies on slimmer premises!

Hey, what's this? Here's the trailer already --


  1. i lmao watching this. it is hard not to.

  2. Aaahhhh, the joy and wonder of childhood. :0) The expressions on his face are priceless!

  3. This is so cute....I saw this last week my daughter showed me.....I'm glad I found another Canadaian Blogger I will now be a follower. Thanks for sharing . :-)

  4. Heh. I needed that today, pookie. The trailer made my week.

  5. Thanks so much for my morning smile ... and laugh ...and guffaw ...

  6. Oh my goodness, my daughter told me about this last night and I shared the second video with her so now I'm the cool mother. A Monday morning smile, thank you! Lois

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!........oh my, oh my. I feel like that baby a lot of the time. Life STILL manages to surprise the crap out of me!

  8. Ohhhhhhhhh that is hysterical! From total fear, to rollicking joy. Gotta' love it. :-)

    Gentle hugs, and ♥...

  9. Or, or, or, no film.... But... In today's totally PC world, will the Mother be brought up on charges of cruelty to children, for scaring the kid?


    Gentle hugs, and ♥...

  10. ROFLMAO..ok as usual..on Monday morning..I have to change my shirt because I have blow coffee out my nose laughing at your post! Seriously is there anything funnier than a baby laughing????
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  11. Ah, nothing better than a laughing baby.

  12. very, very funny. that look of total horror ...cute.

  13. It's amazing what people with find entertaining...

  14. I love listening to him laugh. .can you imagine what is going through his little mind?

    Typical movie trailer. .making a film look like something that it isn't. lol

    Thanks for sharing it with us!!

  15. CONGESTION. LMAO! Oh, for a thimbleful of such imagination!

  16. Brilliant! What expressions! I'm so glad he laughed afterward though!

    It reminds me of that other baby video I saw a few weeks ago - of the dad tearing up paper in front of a baby, and the baby was laughing so hard. Did you see that one - too cute!

  17. I've seen this a few phases now, and I laugh every, single time!

  18. This is great, Debra! I love how cleverly the trailer is put together..both videos are great for a giggle...:)

  19. OMG...that expression is priceless! So cute!


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