Sunday 20 March 2011

Spring Equinox / Ostara

Today is the first day of Spring, hooray! The Goddess Ostara moves across the earth, causing the snow and cold to retreat and the flowers to grow in Her warmth and sunlight.

Of course, where I live in Canada, Real Spring is still probably at least 4-6 weeks away. But at least we know that eventually it will arrive, which makes all the difference! In the meantime, pass the @#$*!! shovel.

Ostara Blessings to you and yours!


  1. Lovely Post thank you,
    thought you may enjoy my Eostre/Equinox machinima film
    Happy Ostara ~

  2. Happy Ostara my friend. Apparently Mother Nature is having hot flashes here in Jersey because Friday it was 75 degrees and we were at the beach, yesterday about I woke up and it was 23 degrees and they are calling for sleet this evening.

  3. And a Blessed Ostara for you too!

    I love that image of the Goddess that you chose. It has been made into a cross stitch pattern that I'm itching to buy, but my project basket already over-floweth, if you catch my drift. But I know that eventually I'll succumb.

    May she visit your garden quickly, and linger long.

  4. I love that when I come here you tell me something relevant that I wasn't aware of, and you tell it in a beautiful way. Thank you.

  5. we are supposed to get snow this week! i am still enjoying it!

  6. It's spring today? Spring is so not on my radar that I definitely would have missed its coming. At least it must mean the snow is leaving faster than it can come!

  7. Ostara Blessings to you and yours!

  8. And to you!
    I'm still shoveling as well. But knowing spring is one step closer is keeping me sane!

  9. LOL..calling for snow on Tuesday, but we know the end is near :)

  10. They say spring is three weeks late this year! Wish Ostara would get a move on...we're tired of gray and gloom. The sun needs to burn off all this fog....

  11. Wishing you, your rare one and of COURSE HRH a beautiful Spring full of new growth that blesses all of you and sweetness to be experienced, Debra.

  12. Yup, the Goddess Ostara is getting her feet chilled, moving across our landscape too.

    But like you, I am still trying to CELEBRATE!

    ♥ Happy Vernal Equinox ♥

  13. 4-6 weeks! *sad face*

    Spring is teasing us down here too. Snow is due tomorrow!

  14. Blessed Ostara/Happy Spring to you and your Rare One!

    It's raining buckets our spring celebrations will have to wait too.

  15. Blessed Ostara to you, Debra! We have cold and rain today but it's still better than snow, although I doubt we're done with that either.

    Hope you have a happy day today!

  16. Happy Spring Equinox!

    I saw Melissa Etheridge last night (in concert, not for coffee) and all she could talk about was how cold you all keep it up there in February. (I was in Palm Springs, where it is significantly warmer, even in comparison to Holly-Wooood.)

    This is an especially interesting equinox with Uranus mixing it up at early degrees of Aries. So, may the changes spring/the astrological new cycle brings be all of the positive-highest good for all sort.

  17. Blessings to you and yours. Friday we hit 80 degrees here. Today we barely hit 40 and a few flurries have been predicted tonight...but Spring is definitely on its way.

  18. I feel like such a bad pagan. I don't follow any of the holidays..but then I don't like organized religion even if it's my own..although april 4th is shazam day.

  19. Happy Estara to you hon...may blessing flow your way. I am thinking we are several weeks off for spring too! Geesh..pass the shovel this way please!
    Hugs, Sarah

  20. enjoy this time of Spring.. I am absolutely revelling in the Autumn down here! xo

  21. Ostara is a very pretty princess and I love those. Glad to hear your shoveling days are coming to a close...Can’t really relate, but I remember it as being fun when I was a kid.

  22. Don't you pagans get all freaky at this time of year? I will imagine that you do. When will I earn enough good will with you to see your picture. Goddesses not withstanding I am interested. LOL

  23. You're thinking of Beltane, Kal (May 1st)!

  24. Blessed Ostara visited the Maritimes very briefly a few days ago. At least she was here!

  25. Happy Spring. Wish I could send you some of the warm temps we've had lately.

  26. Spring is flirting with us too. We had a super warm day and then freezing rain *sigh*.

    Happy belated Spring Equinox pretty lady!

  27. Ostara blessings to you and your Rare One!

    Love the egg in the last pic! I'm such a bad Ukranian - I can't even remember what that is called... In my defense- I only have a quarter of those genes in me!

  28. ~happy belated ostara blessings to you and yours...may the warmth come sooner than expected filling your days with only sunshine and we have been blessed with an abundance of rain...i guess a wee bit better than snow though...hehehe!!! much love light and blessings always shining brightly upon you~


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