Tuesday 8 March 2011

Happy International Women's Day!

Some day may all little girls enjoy this level of confidence and, even more importantly, retain it into their adult years. Yay, Jessica!


  1. This girl WILL rule the world one day!

  2. A pat on the back and a hug to whomever has instilled that level of confidence in someone so young. And she appreciates all that she has too.

    I hope that she keeps those traits throughout her life.

    Wishing all of us a VERY Happy International Women's Day! Do something meaningful to your heart!

  3. Ah, youth. What a little sweetheart she is.

    Happy International Woman's Day.

  4. Most Awesome!!! Here's to empowering women everywhere!

  5. She kills me every time. And I covet her hair.

  6. I must admit when I first saw this I thought the little girl was going to pee in the sink. Happy International Woman's Day to You!

  7. Too funny! I want to do a video of a grown woman doing this as she's getting ready for work in the morning. Classic! Happy Women's Day!

  8. WTGG! Now if everyone had this attitude....~~~~~!!!

  9. Perfect Video for all of rockin' goddesses, Debra! Thank you for being one.. And of course to HRH as well ;)

  10. Hooray for her confidence. May she keep it, when she grows up a little and *everyone else* has straight hair. -sigh-

    Lucky her! Gorgeous head of blond, curly hair! But so many grow up and hate it. -pooh- Don't ever stop loving your natural "Curly Girl," Jessica!!!

  11. Now I revert to my "Ol' Auntie" persona and have to say that I'd *scream bloody murder* at her, if she was my Grand and she was making like a monkey, climbing in the bathroom and dancing so close to the edge of that counter.

    One slip....... Head cracked open. Or lip split. Or some other part of her beautiful face, mashed, from a fall in the bathroom. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, off my soap box.

  12. Awesome.....that is fantastic. Made my day! One of the reasons I love your blog.


  13. I love this child! A free spirit. But...I'm with Aunt Amelia, the daddy in me wanted to yell...GET OFF THAT SLIPPERY WASH STAND!

    She's a keeper, though!

  14. Awesome- thanks so much for sharing.
    And Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Johnina :^A

  15. "I like my stuff!" "I can do anything!" Giggle. This girl ROCKS! Please Goddess, let her keep this amazing attitude!

  16. I do believe it's also Feminist Coming Out Day (I'm not making that up). Double awesome!

  17. hmm, wonder why it fell on Fat Tuesday?


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