Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Perils of Interspecies Marriage

I know every woman has felt like this at some point or other in her life . . .

A wonderful fantasy, I know. But alas, there's no greater guarantee of "happily ever after" with a feline spouse than with any other. That's just how life works.

Boredom, disgruntlement and resentments set in . . .

And before you know it, push comes to shove . . .

Tomcats! They're all alike. Better luck next time, girl!


  1. Debra, you've outdone yourself with this one! Hilarious!

  2. I was going to marry my cat when I was 12 - there was never going to be anyone as affectionate, or would understand me better! Love this post.

  3. but they are so cuddly! and so cute under the covers....

  4. too funny ... i'm a bigamist ... two in bed with me each night!

  5. ROFLMAO..giggle..uhmmmm yup is true...tomcats geesh!! Sorry hon..but I get the car the house and the kids :)
    Have a wonderful day hon!!
    Hugs and love to you, Sarah

  6. ... After I took him to the Vet for the 'special' clinic, we lived Happily Ever After ......You know how Tom's like to "Tom Cat" around.....

  7. Come to think of it, men and cats have a lot in common. .they both like to be fed on demand, are most affectionate when THEY want to be, and are very good at tuning you out when you are talking about anything else but food. lol
    No wonder a lot of men don't like cats. They look at them as competition!

  8. Another great one. Thank you.

  9. ROFL! I don't know what to say to this...I showed this post to my "girls" and all they could think was "silly wabbits!" ;)

  10. Don't hate the purrer, hate the game.

  11. Cute....cute....cute!! Where do you get these funny ideas?


  12. Now don't be blamin' all the Toms of the world!!!

  13. marrying my cat would have saved me not only heart ache...but money

  14. very funny, always get to signing those papers.


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