Thursday 21 April 2011

A Meditation on Easter Eggs

I heard the other day that some politically correct people now call Easter eggs "Spring eggs" in a bid to be more inclusive. They're probably under the mistaken impression that "Easter" is a Christian term. Of course, WE know it's the name of the pagan Goddess Eostre. Christians really need to get around to calling their special weekend something else. "Resurrection Weekend" springs to mind as a more accurate representation of their festival. Clearly, the most conservative of them don't want anything to do with pagan eggs and bunnies anyway, so why do they persist in hanging on to Eostre's name? Give it back, you guys!


  1. LOL You make an EXCELLENT. .or should I say Eggsellent point!

    I was listening to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me on NPR last Saturday, and they were laughing about the Seattle Schools now calling Easter Eggs, "Spring Spheres", and the city is now hosting their annual Spring Sphere hunt. I wonder what "politically correct" name they will come up with for the Easter Bunny.

    Could it be that they finally clued in to the origin of the word Easter, and don't want to support a Pagan celebration?

    I don't actually think so, but it is nice to dream.

  2. I like to think of it as The Days of the Dead and Beyond.

    So where the hell did the bunny delivering chicken eggs come from?

  3. pagan eggs....what a thought. maybe we can get them to hatch lots of little pagans!

  4. Not meaning to be disrespectful, or offend, but my kids call it Zombie Jesus weekend. Bad, bad, children.

  5. Having cut all ties with Christianity myself, I've been calling it "Diabetic Coma Weekend"! Ugh--I'm already having trouble getting my pants done up!

  6. Perhaps they should be forced to eat real testicles?

  7. They better not touch the Bunny!!!
    Another wonderful post!! Thanks for getting my morning off to an Egg-cellent start!

  8. Yep ... but then *THEY* have a habit of borrowing lots of *holidays* from us!

  9. Too funny!!! Great, great post! I am upset with Russell Stover, they must have figured this out and removed the jellie bean eggs from their chocolate nests...humpf!!!

  10. give the little children lots of chocolate and then they won't question the resurrection idea. I remember being a kid in sunday school thinking, " what the hell are they talking about???/" ....still feel that way...I mean really WTF?

  11. We'll be decorating Lucifer's testicles this afternoon, although given the kids are only 3 and 5 I will probably continue to call them Easter eggs.

    That picture will have me laughing all weekend!

  12. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!

    Do you have any idea, how much I would love to post that cartoon, on my blog?!?

    Don't say; "So why don't you?" Because I'm not gonna' take chances of really offending lots of my Readers. Of really offending them.

    Because I'm agnostic... Because I have "no dog in this fight,"<--Yeah, I know! AWFUL saying! See! I just offended some of YOUR readers! -sigh-

    Anyway, I don't go along with lots of my christian readers, when they blog on and on about their religion. I pay no attention. And have fun with them, on pretty stuff and photography and etc. But I don't choose to purposely offend them, as that cartoon would.

    I can join with you here, and laugh about all the "where-did-stuff-really-come-from" issues. Thank you for allowing me in here.

    Gentle hugs,

  13. Well, I declare the cojones of some peopple ; ) Will uptight religiously dogmatic people ever get it straight? And personally I like the idea of eating the Devil's testacles, lol..


  15. Jadedj: Eostre (the goddess ... more than likely a goddess of dawn and the east as well as spring) traveled with a hare and she herself could turn in to one if she so desired.

    The eggs? There's less out there about the eggs and their origins.

    Fun post, Debra.

  16. hmmm... methinks there are many who'd delight in consuming 'lucifer's testicles', and not just at eostre time! :O lol

    hope that book's for real... we so need it!

    excellent post, deb

    i put similar celebratory stuff on my page as well...

  17. Another great post. Haven't done the egg bit in years, but strangely, been thinking about doing it this year.

  18. I love that every time I visit here I laugh. :)

    So much Joy,

  19. ::snickers:: You are so cool, Debra :)

    Hey, kids! Stop trying to hunt down Lucifer's balls and try hunting for that rascially Jesus...he's damn good at hiding ;)

  20. I had a flash of a pagan bunny all decked out in a druid robe drawing a Celtic pattern on an egg. I like it.

  21. Your blog always makes my day! You are a genius!


  22. I loved laugh I've had all day. You're my favorite stop each day. Thanks for telling it like it is.

  23. Brilliant point. :)

    I find it really quite amusing how many 'Christian' traditions have pagan roots. So many Christians are viciously anti-pagan, yet celebrate Easter, which began as the pagan celebration Ostara, and whose name is taken from a pagan deity.

    It's ridiculous. And hilariously funny, from my point of view.

    They're complete hypocrites!

    Also love the attached picture. 'Lucifers Testicles'. Puh-leese. ;)

  24. Lucifer's testicles! Genius!

  25. lol I actually hid "Easter eggs" to celebrate Ostara. Why not? They're basically Pagan. ;)

  26. Funny cartoon! I love my Christian roots and I'm cheered by the return of the Goddess so I am totally at peace with the Easter Bunny!

  27. Well, I don't know what name belongs to who, but I do know my looking forward to a nice dinner and a rest for my easter eggs after all the handling!!!!!

  28. when I took art in high school, I had a lot of problems with taking orders(no surprise there) and didn't like being told what to on Easter she said to draw something with either the religious theme or the bunny I drew 3 crosses with big ole bunnys nailed to them and lady's in black were hiding easter egss around the crosses. I got an F.sigh*


  30. I've painted eggs with Eostre several times, and She tells me that Her only pleasure in immortality is the misuse of her name by the faith that put her out of a job.

  31. Oh I needed that smile after the woodpecker attacked a few times this morning. People are so silly. Makes woodpeckers attacking our home look smart. :)

  32. TeeeHeeee Heeee I thought I was going to fall out of my chair Lucifers testicals Really Well my children and i will be going to a hunting of his testicles in 3hrs LOL and then coloring them tonite and then playing with them again tommorow LOL Seriously I was wondering how long it would take for Easter to get its fair view I personally wouldnt mind and have thought of having "Easter" on the Spring Equinox I think if we remove religion and politics the world might be a more peaceful place Oh who am I kidding Everyone has their own opinions and Ya know what they say bout that :)))) for me I will continue to play with his testicles the rest of my earth bound dayz Ha If ya wanna know the truth when u grow up look it up ,I say, I did I was in church for my whole life and I came to the realization when I could look things up it was just a ploy to get everyone to come over to the other side Mwhaaah I myself will celebrate it as the beggining of Spring all the new life eating my green leafy salads and spending more time with my family outside in nature Where we were intended to be.

  33. the name "Easter" come from?

    The name of the Christian celebration of Easter originally comes from Ancient Egypt. The worship of Astarte, the Phoenician name for Egypt's goddess of fertility, in time spread throughout Europe. "Ostara" became the Old English word for this now Anglo-Saxon goddess. During the 2nd century, early Christians attempting to convert pagan worshippers called their Christian celebration "Ostara" which later became "Easter."

    Look up Astarte to find where the bunny chic and eggs came into the pic JUST SAYIN


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