Friday 22 April 2011

Earth Day

Sad but true, this says it all. Happy Earth Day, everyone!


  1. I find it ironic that as Earth Day grows in observance, it seems like as a society, we are backsliding.

    Awareness itself isn't going to solve anything. It takes action, and that seems to be going in the opposite direction.

    I read about people debunking global warming, and horrible chemicals being ok'd for use on food crops. .wetlands continually being filled in, and woods being destroyed, to build more condos and McMansions which will remain empty, just to name a few. .and wonder where on earth people's minds and hearts are??? Maybe already pickled from ingesting and breathing in too many toxins. Terribly disheartening.

    But don't let my cynicism get in the way of observing Earth Day. .everyday should be Earth Day! We really can't give up! She needs us!

  2. Amen!

    Happy Earth Day to you, too. I'm out the door to water my little speck of earth!

  3. Happy Earth Day to you. It may be chilly here, but I plan on getting outdoors tonight to pay homage to our great mother.

  4. Me too sadly, me too.

  5. It is a tough go for Mother relatives on the prairies actually put round up on their gardens before they plant....helps with the weeds, they say...Mother, help us.....

  6. Happy Earth day hon!!!

    Sad but true...what bothers me is that folks on a large basis..only choose to live simply and green when the economy demands it. I have several neighbors who have urban chickens. Suddenly front yards that were full of flowers are now producing ya think this will last when the economy rebounds? I have to wonder.
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  7. So many people are trying to do the little things that will help...but so many people are not even trying...

  8. Apparently I'm a chicken. Who knew.

  9. Normally I would be optimistic, but with the threat of a move to the relgious right looming over this Canadian election and the Green Party shut out of the debate (ie, nothing said about the environment) I'm feeling just like the chicken in your cartton these days.

  10. Every day Hope springs eternal....

    Happy Earth Day!!♥

  11. That cartoon sums me up perfectly!! Very sad - but true.

    Another post to make me smile, then think hard!

  12. unfortunately i don't have much hope either.

  13. Happy Earth Day!

    And yup, it's sad but true.

  14. You are so very appropriate with this cute post today dear lady.


  15. Happy Earth Day. Is it happy? hmmm It sometimes feels like Mother Earth is fed up with us. Sure my lifestyle adds to her much as I'd like to think I'm living environmentally conscious...things aren't designed to allow us to truly do that anymore. Sorry to be so cynical.
    On a positive note...Mother Earth is providing a glorious spring so far. And I'm truly grateful. Somewhat cooler than usual...but none the less beautiful.
    Thanks for offering me some hope today.

  16. Nope, I gave up hope for mankind. Seems more clear headed, to do it that way.


  17. Dear Deb,
    Many blessings to you and yours over this Easter break.
    May the chocolate be sweet and ever flowing.

    love always
    the witch from nowhere xx

  18. My faith in humanity has actually grown in recent years.

  19. blessings to you Debra and each of earth's inhabitants...from the tiniest to the tall, gi-huge-ic, average and small... fowl, furry, flowering, fishy, friendly, and ALL!

  20. Keeping a positive heart! I'm heartened to see more and more people getting on board, becoming more aware, taking steps to eat non-GMO food, to use water wisely, to recycle, reduce, reuse. We all make a difference and we're all needed to continue to spread the message and set good examples. Happy Earth Day! Happy Easter!

  21. Happy Earth Day to you as well,, i think mother earth is trying to tell us something,, I just hope its not too late,,I'm new to blogging and glad i found you,,

  22. It's always surprises me when I accidentally find myself having hope. Sorta just sneaks up on me without warning. I always have to concentrate to force those ideas from my brain. Can't have them dominating my natural bitterness.


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