Thursday 26 May 2011

Meow Meow Meme

Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here. My beautiful feline friends Miss Bella and Sele (pictured above), who blog with their human Wendy over at The Year of the Cats, tagged me last week with the Meow Meow Meme. I'm so excited to tell you all about my glorious SELF by answering these six questions!

1. Where do I like to hang out?

My favourite place in the whole world is my cat tree, which sits in the living room right in front of the big picture window. Six feet high, it is covered with brown carpeting which I have lovingly clawed to shreds over the years. It has three perches from which I may survey my queendom and a cubbyhole in which I can curl up and sleep. Here's a photo of me doing precisely that. Oops, my tail is hanging out!

2. Who is my kitty crush?

I have a real weakness for swashbuckling bad boys, I must admit. So of course my biggest kitty crush is Puss in Boots from the Shrek movies. And isn't it funny how he sounds just like that sexy human, Antonio Banderas? Small world, I guess.

3. What is my favourite scent?

My person has blogged before about my crazy addiction to the scent of mint (here, here and here, if you're curious). 'Nuff said. I love it!!!!!

4. What's my favourite TV show?

I love watching a good mystery on PBS's Mouseterpiece Theatre and the best detective of all is Purrlock Holmes! Like all cats, he is a genius.

5. What's my favourite movie?

I love Star Wars but it would be so much better with an all-feline cast, don't you think? And if cats were in charge, we would immediately kill and eat Jar Jar Binks. I don't think anyone would object to that.

6. What is my best piece of feline wisdom?

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards."

This is the motto by which all cats live. Our credo or raison d'être, if you prefer. I practice it as much and as often as I can.

And now, it's time to tag some other interwebz cats who either blog personally or feature prominently in their human's blog. They are all delightful cats and I encourage you to visit their home blogs:

Pişi and Squeak at their blog, Pişi & Squeak. These two certainly have their paws full with their Big Two-Legged One. Humans can be such a trial sometimes.

Dexter at his human's blog, Yellowdog Granny. Dexter and I had a fling once. He's the original swashbuckling bad boy. You voyeurs can read about it here.

Mildred at her human's blog, BugginWord. Mildred is an expert at stealing the show in the background of her human's ukulele videos.


  1. oh my gosh I love this,, you could make itnto a book,, this is great,, I'm still smiling,,,I miss my cats ,, they've all passed on but now walk as cat ghosts,, I'm sure they're still with me,,

  2. So cute! Cats totally rule! Hey have you checked out the new show on Animal Planet called My Cat From Hell? Its awesome! Jackson Galaxy is an animal behaviorist with a shaved head and cat tatoos on his arms. The show is lots of fun!

  3. HRH ~ Such wonderful insights! I really must wake up Gomez (who's sleeping in this morning) and let him read your tidbits. :0)

  4. Hi Suzy8-Track -- I've heard of that great TV show but alas, we don't get Animal Planet on our cable package.

  5. I'll follow that feline quote. Reminds me of Garfield.

  6. Now that one was too cute. Thanks for the chuckle.

  7. Oh YRH, you are just too clever for words...We of course adore Puss in Boots as well, and we also love our kitty tree..Although we don't understand why there aren't more trees in our house to accommodate us! Hmphhh...Thank you for taking on our meow-meow/meme. We always love learning more about you.

    Miss Bella and Sele

  8. Your Highness had a fling with Dexter? I was just noticing what a handsome fellow he is last week. I'm sorry to hear it was just a fling.

  9. Very cute meme. I adore the picture of you sleeping with your tail hanging out.

  10. That was brilliant!!!!

    (of course thanks to blogger I cannot - easily follow that cool blog you referenced - grrr!!)

    Hal now wants his own blog...thanks, thanks a lot! :D


  11. Ok,now I'm worried about my online friends? What if they are really cats? I knew I shouldn't be so trusting...
    Funny,funny post. I love the photo of kitty's tail poking out of the cat house!

  12. Too funny Highness! At least know we know more about you, but you still haven't cleared up the papparzi rumors about this here addiction problem to catnip. You really should seek out help tootes! If winehouse can do it, so can you. LOL.If not true, dis regard.

  13. Oh hell, there'll be no living with her now...

  14. What a fun post, totally love it. Especially love Puss in Boots from Shrek --- doesnt he have his own movie coming out?

    Like the Darth Vader one also!

  15. What a delightful post. Some really great pics there, I especially the Darth Vader one. We are big time Star Wars fans here. Thanks for sharing and the delightful uplift for my day

  16. Adorable cat you have. And we have a lot in common- I love mint too, as I do mysteries.

  17. who doesn't have a crush on Puss in Boots?

  18. Dexter is big into being mysterious..but I'm sure I can get him to tell all.

  19. OMG, too funny! The pic on the tree limb reminds me of a poster my hubby has in the garage,it says "Hang in there baby, Friday's coming!" I also love the cat at the computer screen!

    Thank you for your comments on my recent post! Have a lovely weekend!

  20. sdlkf uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutyroawvvv

    -- no more internet for you, kitty cat, not until you learn to type!

    (my Duncan once bought an extra set of movie tickets! Luckily we found a buyer for them at the theater.)

  21. LOL...LOVED THIS POST! Oh to be a cat....

  22. Well, Pisi and Squeak are very flattered, and they are going to have to work on this overnight. (Since there are two of them, and they don't speak all the time!) We will carry the ball on!

  23. A B-I-G MEEEEOOOOOWWWW to you, so comfy and looky you knows what youse wants in life....that takes brains you know!

  24. I really enjoy resting after doing nothing too.

  25. Your cat has so thoroughly infiltrated the internet that it's almost frightening....
    Hilarious stuff!

  26. thanks for visiting tonight,, I love Inukshuks,, too,,we had them around our property too, they seem to be everywhere now,, you can even buy them,, maybe they will lose their true meaning by making light of their importance,, hope not,, they make a lovely decoration though,, sleep well my friend,

  27. Hey, that was fun, Debra! And we did it. Hope you find it amusing!

  28. y're the cat's meow, yer royal highness ;)

  29. I caught my cat, Alpha, sexting Dexter. I wondered where all my minutes were going ...

  30. Miss Bella and Sele up at the top look so very much like my Sir Isaac Mewton and Mad Maudlin that now I'm wondering if they aren't living some kind of double lives! Seriously, if that obviously wasn't my bedroom I'd have assumed it was them! It's really, really uncanny.

    I love Antonio Banderas; that curly 'do on him is especially cute, and he seems like a fun guy with a clue, from what I've seen of him in interviews.


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