Wednesday 29 June 2011

Gay and Gray

When I first came out 25 years ago, it was pretty rare to meet a GLBTQ senior citizen. Not because there weren't any, but because they belonged to a generation whose lives had taught them that coming out was dangerous. So even when things started to change and baby boomers were coming out of the closet in droves, this older generation remained leery and closeted. Some did venture out. Many more did not.

These days it's the out baby boomers who are fast approaching their senior years. Retirement communities, assisted living facilities and nursing homes are soon going to have to deal with same-sex couples and GLBTQ issues. The process has already started, in fact.

Today, of course, people come out at all ages and stages of life -- including when they are seniors. There's a new movie called Beginners which has this as one of its themes. I haven't seen it yet but it looks pretty good. And who doesn't love Christopher Plummer and Ewan McGregor? Here's the trailer:


  1. "The Retirement Village People" {{snort}} That's funny! :0)

  2. you know I never thought of that until now.Good friends of ours who are in their seventies have been together for over 45 years and we never think of them as gay, they are just sue and darla to us,, the only difference between my husband and I and them,, is their sex life and mine is non of their business and thiers is non of our business but if they ever have to go into a seniors home they just may be in luck in our backward town,, you see they won't let men and women share accomodations here in our nursing home.Nope so that must mean that same sex couples should be OK then, so gays may have just won one!

  3. oooh, I'd love to have a gay grandpa or grandma :) And BEGINNERS should be an awesome film!

  4. Movie looks pretty good. I love the retirement village people, lol!

  5. The 82 yr old (and 9 mos!), is SO cute, and the sign is very funny! Good for him!

    And the Retirement Village People made me laugh, especially how their bodies have succumbed to gravity. .and too much "good living". I'm not sure the guys would be too happy with their cartoon images, though! lol

    My Mom is 86 years old, and has had a little difficulty in accepting all of the gay and lesbian relatives that she is just now "discovering". What I find interesting, is her "light-bulb moments" of family members that are no longer with us. For example, her older brother. .never went out on dates with girls, and was simply viewed as a "good son", who stayed living with their mother, his whole life. Since our family gene pool could be used in a homosexual classic study, I asked my Mom if the thought had ever entered her mind, that he might be gay, she looked shocked! I'm sorry to say that I never met my Uncle, but have seen photos of him. .he was a good looking guy, and from what those who knew him, have told me, he was extremely kind hearted, and had a wicked sense of Irish humor, but was "rather reculsive". I look at his image, and it breaks my heart to think that he may have been living with a secret, his whole life, that he obviously didn't feel that he could share with his own family. I want that "blinders On" type of thinking to disappear completely, and forever!

    I do hope that that movie comes to our theater (some unknown person seems to have veto rights for anything that is outside the box of a horror/world destruction/or spy flick.) Thanks for letting us know about it, so that I can keep an eye out for the listing!

  6. Thanks for the heads up Debra, I will look out for this movie!

  7. This movie looks excellent, but it definitely looks like a major tearjerker.

    I love your blog girl, I always learn or hear about something new after leaving here.

  8. I'm happy that (or rather when) all can be who they are.

    Waving hand from NYS, btw. :-) Proud to know one of the legislators who said; "Damn it, I'm voting Yes to Same Sex Marriage" and brought it about. He even being from among those, who are usually counter. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!

    Seeeeeee! Not all Conservatives follow "The Line." Damn it no, we do not. Not all of us. I believe a woman has a right to choose too. So naturally, I'm a hybrid, in these parts. LOL!!! (Put her in the corner and don't let her talk too loud. -grin-)

    Paranoid? Who's paranoid? Me? Not me!!!! -giggles-


  9. As a Baby Boomer, I lived through a lot of the struggles here in New York. We sure have come a long way.

  10. The newspaper had a little write up about this movie, but when I went to tell someone about it, I couldn't remember the name! I wanted to see it based on Ewan and Christopher alone, but now that I've seen the trailer, and that dog, I'll definitely see it.

  11. i like what laurie said..just sue and darla to them... same cousin wayne is gay and he and his partner are just wayne and john to us...we even have gotten to be good friends with alot of their gay friends...they are now our friends....

    the move looks great too. i want to see it.

    happy to stop by today, my friend

    kary and l'il teddy

  12. Love the Retirement Village People! I'm picturing someone's back going out while doing the YMCA...hee!

  13. Well, if one thinks about Sappho and all the other gay men of the Greek era than really they set the role model for being proud for the sex they prefer and we seem to forget that today...I love that photo of the older gray fox and yummmy is all I can say about Ewan McGregor. I read a great interview by C. Plummer about how honored he felt to play this role..Can't wait to see the movie.

  14. You know this is an issue I have never thought about before, it looks like it will be a great movie. I am glad you touch on all these issues Deb. I like reading the comments too, they give me different perspectives.

  15. Ha ha Y.M.C.A on zimmer frames :)

  16. I have a friend who lives in palm springs and he and i have had some conversations about this same subject. someone smart would build a gay friendly retirement home.

  17. Gee Debra, I'm already reaching for my hanky. This looks like a tear jerker. I think I'll have to rely on other people telling me about it. sigh.

  18. I've seen that trailer before and thought it looked interesting, but I haven't seen the movie.

    By the way, I have a new pair of earrings in my Etsy shop that you might be interested in. They're labyrinth earrings. :)

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  20. Thanks again Debra for the head's up on this movie...I FB'd it as well.

  21. Because my Dad is 84 this year I've spent my life balanced between 2 very different generations- the one I lived in (90's) and the one my father lived in (40's). The mentality is so different it's almost like a different language. Now individuality and nonconformity is considered a plus. Then not so much.
    You always make me think about stuff in the morning. I might just be upset about you making my head go owie if I didn't enjoy it so much, lol.

  22. WOW! I can't wait to see that film! It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

  23. You talkin' to me? I am 'old and grey'.
    This one will be a MUST for us! Thanks Debra.

  24. About six years ago my Mum came out... and she was really old to me ;) Now my family have two out and proud lezzers and my wee Granny has taken it all in her stride. But she is one in a million :)


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