Tuesday 5 July 2011

The First World Problems Rap

So, we just finished celebrating the national holidays of two leading First World countries. Those of us who live in Canada and the United States are, quite simply, the most fortunate people in the world. Our countries are not war-torn battle zones. We live in peace, with a standard of living that most of the world cannot even imagine, let alone match. Compared to Third World countries, most of our citizens lead lives of unparalleled ease and comfort.

We would do well to be grateful for all the blessings which we enjoy. But are we? Just how ungrateful and insular can we be? Let the self-centred moaning, whining, bitching and complaining begin!

Obviously this video is meant to be an over-the-top satire, but sometimes my laugh is the uneasy laugh of self-recognition.

Marie-Antoinette, c'est nous.

[Rap written and performed by 17-year-old Zach Katz (funnyz) -- what a talent!]


  1. We are absolutely the most fortunate people in the world. I am so grateful for that.

    Love the video! It summarizes all the petty things we complain about. I’m sure people around the world would line up to change places with us.

  2. Ooh my...I agree with Plowing Through

  3. yes, people from first world countries often take what they have for granted, which in a way creates serious problems to second and third world countries, especially when those first world countries which enjoy piece in their homeland bring war to third or second world countries.

  4. I was thinking the exact same thing tonight when I saw the starving children in Somalia

  5. Okay hysterically funny, and made me whine a little less and think a little more... now why'd you wanna go and do that? Sheesh....

  6. So true. Last night I was fretting because I only had one Weight Watcher's ice pop left. Some people have none.

  7. "It's funny 'cause it's true!" That was pretty good for a 17 year old kid!

  8. This is so true, it's scary. We are all too often a bunch of whiners - we're like spoiled children.

  9. What talent! And yeah...it sort of makes you wince at the truth of it all.

  10. Not even going to watch that video. I'm pretty sure it would raise my blood pressure, too high. Entitled kids are a pet peeve of mine. And I figure, from the pic which shows, this is a *song* by bratty, entitled kids.

    -sigh- And yup, none of us who live in well-off-safety, are grateful enough, on a daily basis. Thanks for the reminder.


  11. Yay..snap..there it is! I often think about how we can slim down our own consumption..in my own home. But I so see this...in myself and my children. How much crap do ya really need...and why are we wondering why we have self centered 19 year olds! Geesh! Makes me want to homestead again! Well kinda..I do like my shower and flush toilet..alot!
    Happy Tuesday hon!
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  12. Every day I say "thank you" to the powers that be that I don't have to worry about surviving as some other parts of the world do...Great vid. and I'm going to pass this on : )

  13. I laughed and felt ashamed all at the same time. I love little reminders like that:)

  14. we have the best of the best and still manage to fuck it up.

  15. wow, thats an eye opener for sure,,

  16. I love that rap! Because I recognize myself too!

  17. That is one amazing 17 year old kid. There is hope for the world with kids in it who can send out such a powerful message. Thanks Debra.

  18. out of the mouths of babes! excellent rap, and thanks for posting it!!

  19. pretty much sums it up for me. I think that kids should be made to see how life is in other countries so that they can appreciate and therefore take care of this one.

  20. I really hope that focusing on a prayer flag is going to help heal or stop the destruction in the Kimberleys.. please tell me it will! and please send some healing to that pristine place.. with the healing disc..
    thankyou so much xo

  21. What a very clever guy with scarily true lyrics. You don't know what you got till it's gone... let's hope we learn to appreciate first.

  22. A great video! As Robin said, "Out of the mouths of Babes!".

  23. Gotta give that kid credit. .not only is he very talented to put it into a song, but he recognizes just how fortunate he is. .a lot of kids. .and adults, take it for granted.

    I recently watched a neighborhood teen smash his perfectly decent skateboard to pieces with landscaping rocks ( I felt SO sorry for those rocks and fortunately, they weren't mine, or he would have been in TROUBLE!), because he wanted a new one. .and he got it. Now when he comes home, he throws it up into the bushes, leaving it there to endure all sorts of weather, and the risk of being stolen. No matter. .he will get another one.


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