Wednesday 6 July 2011

This is an Irresistibly Sweet Blog . . .

. . . because Magaly Guerrero over at Pagan Culture says so! She gave me this blog award last week and I thank her so much for it! She is a Wicked Darling indeed.

Personally, I have always had a sweet tooth. It has been my downfall in so many, many ways. Drug of choice, etc. My struggle to curb this dark passion continues. But, oh! Those sweet, delicious carbs call to me seductively.

But Magaly has shown me a new way -- now I will substitute irresistibly sweet blogs and get my delicious sugar high that way! Every time I get a craving for something yummy and fun, I'll go and read some tasty, uplifting blogs instead of stuffing my face with desserts!

But hmmmm, where to start? Here's just a few sweeties to whom I pass along this blog award. It's always a treat to read their posts:

1. Grimalkin the Witch's Cat at Diary of a Familiar-in-Training.

4. LaelShine at Soular Sister.

6. Tricky Nag at Tricky Nag's Blog.


  1. First, HUGE congrats on the award! It is well deserved!

    However, I have serious doubts as to the success of your solution to avoiding those delicious cravings. .could be because after weeks of managing to not bake anything, this morning, at 5 a.m., I could not deny myself any longer, and have warm, soft, cinnamon-y cookies within my reach, while reading your Sweet Blog! The perfect combination!

    The blogs you chose are all new to me, so it will be fun to check them out! And congrats to them too! I'm sure that they deserve an award too!

    Mmmmmm, a warm, buttery, melt in my mouth cookie. .SOOOOOOO good!!! lol

  2. Congratulations you and good luck with that chocolate habit! :)

  3. Awwww...THANK YOU! I'm so touched - and surprised! - that you included my blog on this list...sniff...[grabs tissue, dabs eyes...] But I'm also so happy that you enjoy hanging around my little space on the web. I've met some wonderful people since I started blogging. You're welcome to come over any time.

    Now, I'm off to check out the other blogs on your list. A couple of them are familiar, the others are new. I'm always eager to find new places to visit.

  4. Hear! Hear! Congratulations on your well deserved award. I'm afraid I've gone over to the dark chocolate side and can't help you with your addiction. I gave in years ago. But carry on, brave soul!

  5. Congrats to you on a well deserved reward. Thanks so much for including me. I'm with you on that chocolate addiction. And as a result, I walk around with adult acne.

  6. Oh, and thanx so much for including Remember When on your list.

  7. Congrats on the sweet award! And how true it is! Just enjoy the award. But I have no idea what to tell you about the other addiction.

  8. Congrats on your award- I'll have to check out the blogws you listed- by the way if you are an emotional eater (and aren't we all at some time) your checking out blogs might indeed help or you could do as I have and become friends with 'Stevia in the raw' 0 carbs and (watch your brands some add fillers and have carbs) it's the best sugar substitute I've ever used and at this point I think I should invest in some stock LOL
    Good luck on your low carb diet, I will be posting recipies on fridays.
    Johnina :^A

  9. Honestly the strawberries on my side bar totally caught my eye! I'm a real strawberry lover this time of year. Love the pic...and congrats on the award.

  10. Way to go! You are sweet, and your blog is always interesting/witty/pertinent. I have just visited a couple of the blogs you selected...wonderful!! Stay sweet, now!!

  11. Congratulations! And more blogs to add to my list...thanks!

  12. Congratulations and very well deserved! :0) I thoroughly enjoy my visits here! :0)

  13. Congrats my dear. Could not happen to a sweeter blogger :D


  14. Congratulations to everyone! I already happily follow Plowing Through Life and Tricky Nag and Soular Sister's blogs - I will now have check out the other winners.

  15. I have a sweet mandible! And I, too, run to sweet words when I have serious need to satisfy the sugar monster.

  16. WoW! Thank you! How lovely!
    Congratulations everyone!

    I'm off to visit everyone now:)
    And congratulations to you!
    I've really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog!

  17. Congratulations, Debra, on another well-earned award!

  18. With Will and Kate so very close I'm all about protocol at the moment, but what's right? Do I congratulate you first, or thank you first. Drat, that page is missing from my protocol book.

    I'm going with the THANK YOU! (Picture the gushy "So You Think You Can Dance" dancer accepting the warm accolades, blowing kisses, hands on the heart, etc.)

    I shall have to check out the other blogs too!

  19. Congratulations on your award, so deservedm and thank you for passing it my way. I was pleasantly surprised. hugs Deb and enjoy our rain.

  20. As above, so below. I mean, everything they said up there, down here ;) Well deserved!

  21. Dear "She" - Congratulations on your well-deserved Award and thank you very much for sharing it with me! It is the first award I have ever gotten. I'm certain that this wonderful honor will convince my witch to immediately promote me to the rank of "Full-Fledged Familiar".
    (Er...perhaps not. My witch is smiling and shaking her head "no".)
    Yours Respectfully,
    Grimalkin (still) Familiar-in-Training

  22. Oh, I so wish my sweet tooth would be satified with reading yummy's out of control lately!

    Congratulations on yet another award. Everyone knows you rock!!

  23. congrats on the award, Debra!
    Since I'm a cake baker in my free time I think your sweet tooth would enjoy my cakes :)


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