Friday 30 September 2011

The 40-Year-Old Tattoo Virgin

As you know, people often get tattoos to mark significant milestones or turning points in their lives. After several years of waffling, I made up my mind to celebrate my 40th birthday by finally getting a tattoo -- something Celtic or tribal perhaps? Or, what the hell, if all else fails -- a labrys!

But fate intervened. A few months before my 40th birthday, my job was abruptly downsized in government cuts. Without a healthy income, I went into strict survival mode, dramatically cutting back expenses and not spending any unnecessary money until I could find another job. A tattoo became a luxury I could not and would not spend money on.

So my 40th birthday came and went and I remained a tattoo virgin. Although I found another job in my field within a fairly short time, I never did get my once-planned tattoo because, as they say, "the moment had passed." And I've never had a serious hankering for a tat since.

Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I remain the non-ink-stained wretch you see here before you today.


  1. Exactly - someone - and it might as well be you and high - have to take the high tat moral ground!

  2. just shows i'm in good company lol

  3. Ink or no ink, makes no difference. You are who you are no matter what!

  4. I can totally understand wanting to make that important time in your life that way! I'm a tattoo virgin too BTW and don't regret it at all, although I do find some tattoos stunning. Reg insists its bad for the "Chi" and I have enough needles going into me with acupuncture these days.

  5. Get on that shit Deb!

  6. we applaud you for remaining a tattoo virgin! Never give your precious flower to the nasty tattoo villains!

  7. As you know, I am totally virgin as well, but only for a fear of needles.

  8. Tattoo or are loved just the way you are.

  9. That's okay ... I'm a 62 yo tat virgin ... we shall overcome! ;D ;D ;D

  10. My story is similar. I had never wanted one until I was 31 years old. That same year I went through a lay off (and then later a divorce) and with these two events my finances were affected so much that I actually changed "classes" going from middle to lower. That desire for a tattoo never went away so now finally at age 36 my financial situation is more stable again and I got my first one. I've got a couple others planned, I can get at least one of them next year.

  11. never too late,, the urge may strike again,, one never just may hit you one day,,well not hit you but may come to you,, the perfect tattoo.

  12. you are unique enough already...tats unnecessary.....

  13. The fear of the pain has always stopped me from seriously thinking about it.

  14. I didn't get my first one until I was 34. I have to say, I now have 2 and I don't regret it--maybe because they're both on my back and I can't actually see them!!

  15. And I just knew you were going to make another announcement. You are a trickster and a good one too. Oma LInda

  16. Well, that was a let-down! Here I was expecting to see your ink. It's okay though, I too would love a tattoo (I think..) but I am mortified of the needles. Sad, I know.

  17. oh boo.....i was counting on seeing a huge tat. there is still time!

  18. that mean you're now 'ext-ink'? :O lol

  19. It just wasn't meant to be:)

  20. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who hasn't gotten a tatoo! I'm happy to remain tatoo free.

  21. I'll make you a golden-buddha rub on tat. That'll work...

  22. Until very recently, I had a neighbor who was a tatooist. I coulda got ya a deal! ;)

  23. You're in great company girlfriend. I'm an inkless 57 year old. If I ever get one it will be something disgusting that people will talk about when they see it. Maybe a faerie masturbating on top of a mushroom. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  24. I'm sorry about the loss of your job and extremely happy you found another one so quickly. That's so frightening when that happens.

    LOL! I join you in your virginity. I'm a 44 year old tattoo virgin... but mine isn't due to lack of money or due to the right time just slipping past for some reason... mine is due to utter and total cowardice. I is so scared of those needles!

    Bright and beautiful autumn blessings,

  25. you should get a tiny little dot.

  26. Ah yes...That "special moment" ...which can be brought on by youth, bravado or liquor....
    My moment past several years back - not enough $$ for a tat and not finding an image that I wanted to see for the rest of my life (or one that would look good with wrinkles!)
    Here's to all of us Tattoo Virgins!

  27. Now I understand why you want the kid tattoo one. Sorry about your job. Happy belated birthday. Made you blog of the day.

  28. Tattoos are fun. Be careful though. they are very addictive. I have 4 now, and plan on getting more soon.

  29. Tat virgin, but constantly tempted. I wear an ankle bracelet with a terrapin charm that could easily be tattooed onto my ankle. Sometimes when the thing is nagging me, I think to myself, "Why not put the turtle under my skin?" I'm not afraid of needles, but money is an issue.

  30. A really very interesting read! I hope you keep updating us with more info!

  31. Debra! What is it about the 40th?! I got my first (of two) tattoo on my 40th and planned to get one every five years. 45 came and I got a matching one on my other ankle. 50 came and went. Then 55!!! Ouch then 60!!!! So I OWE myself THREE more. Think I'll get one with RON FOREVER on my right bicep!!! lol What do ya think?

  32. I was contemplating about getting a Hakuna Matata tat for the longest bestfriend got a seahorse on her nape after the breakup from a 5 yr relationship.

    She's into getting another one but she wants me to do it with her this time...but yeah, I am still a tat-less virgin until now.

  33. I almost got a tattoo when I turned 40, too; must be something about that age. But it didn't turn out, and the moment passed. Thus, I'm still a tattoo virgin. Perhaps when I turn 50?

  34. I don't have any either. I don't like pain, and am far too fickle to decide on an image that I will love forever.

  35. TEASE! Let's find another moment Come play in NYC and we'll go get fresh ink together. Ok, maybe not THIS week. Since my vagina is going to get blown to bits, maybe I'll put her portrait on my shoulder. That's not weird at all, right?

  36. You and me both. The only tats I have are the marks from my recent cat scratchings! See ya!

  37. I too am a clean slate but still may get ink someday.

  38. I'm in the tat virgin camp too.

  39. Money issues compel me to remain inkless. I can always think of a dozen things better to do with the dough. Like buy anklets, earrings, necklaces, and such that can be interchanged depending upon my mood!


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