Thursday 29 September 2011

To Tattoo or Not to Tattoo? That is the Question.

Of course, not every lesbian is a fan of tats. For example, it was a point of pride with my girlfriend at the time, Big Bad Butch, that she did not have any tattoos. She ran with the bikers when she was young so it actually was quite a miracle that she remained uninked.

However, now that I was a card-carrying member of the Lesbian Nation, I started to seriously think about getting a tattoo.

But I could never really decide on a design that I felt was sufficiently unique. I didn't want to get anything that I would eventually regret, outgrow or even just get bored with in the future.

What to do? What to do?

I became an indecisive female Hamlet.

[Tomorrow's post: will Hamlet get off the pot?]


  1. Better to be indecisive than rush into something you'd regret... can't wait to find out what happens next!

  2. Big Bad Butch made me giggle here at work. Bring on the tattoo!!

  3. I say go with your gut. I have 5 that I got at very different times of my life and for very different reasons. Would I get the same one now that I got on my 18th birthday? Maybe, but it would be more ornate. the point is when I look at my ink I remember why I did it and what it meant to me then and how much it still means to me or not. I have no regrets.

    Get on that shit and get some pictures on here, you only have one life in this body, decorate it!

  4. you're leaving us hanging here,,I bet you're smiling!

  5. Hamlet didn't have a happy ending :)

  6. I love tattoos. I have five and love every single one of them. I got my first when I was sixteen, my last about five years ago.

    They are personal and feel like a finger or a toe, I would feel incomplete without them. They are part of me and my history. I thought a lot before I got every single one. I think it is all about thinking and deciding what you want, for you'll have to live with them (or with some expensive surgery that doesn't look all that great) forever.

  7. You have a knack for leaving us hanging. LOL!!!

  8. Oh girl, you are as big a tease as this Olde Bagg. love it

  9. Be careful, they're addictive.

    I did it three times long before it was trendy. I've never stopped thinking about doing it again. Many times I almost did.

  10. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop...hurry and tell us!

  11. It will come to you.....give it time.

  12. Suspenseful like a soap opera!! Now I wonder if you'll tease us tomorrow to leave us hanging for the weekend!

  13. 'act in haste, regret at your leisure...' or some such ;)

    cryptic symbolism rather than in-your-face?

  14. Hi Debra,

    Just a little bit of useless info.... my super's son was/is? the producer of Miami Ink. He is from my home town. Have a wonderful day.

  15. We are in suspense and eagerly awaiting the answer. Also, re: your comment on our blog, let me just say that I'm not a big fan of 'Fixed Or Repaired Daily'...

    I always thought 'Found On Road Dead' was much funnier of an insult.

  16. That's why I only have one tattoo..I can't decide on what I want and don't want to end up covered, head to toe with all of my ideas,lol

  17. It's a hard decisions. What will it be..?

  18. While some tattoos are nice there is nothing as beautiful as unadorned skin and body parts. Think of the tattoo this way - would you want to wear the same shirt every day for the rest of your life?

  19. I love tattoos too..whatever you are drawn to will be most magical..shine on!

  20. You're intentionally dragging this out, aren't you?


  21. Hahahaha yes, everyone, I'm terrible for milking this for everything it's worth! But don't worry: all will be revealed tomorrow.

  22. Tough decision! It all depends on the design of the tattoo and where it is located on the body.

    Nice blog!

  23. I love my tat and I've often contemplated what the next one will be. It's been 11 years since my one and only tat, but I've always known I'll eventually get another one

  24. no tattoos are the new cool. loved you kitty vids.

  25. just remember the quote ...out damn ain't that easy to get rid of them.


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