Tuesday 6 September 2011

All Praise and Glory be to Ceiling Cat

This is how it started. A simple knock on the door.

Her Royal Highness is always open to discussions about Ceiling Cat. She's quite a spiritual little puss, actually.

The next thing I know, HRH had purchased an evangelical symbol of Ceiling Cat and insisted that I stick it on our car. As she explained to me, we've got to keep up with those fish-loving Christians and even those Darwinian scoffers whose fish symbols have evolved little feet for climbing out of the primordial ooze.

So now I'm driving around town sporting this damn thing on my car trunk, just to keep HRH happy. She really does believe in living her faith.

"As for me and my peeps, we will serve Ceiling Cat," she quotes piously from the LOLcat Bible while sanctimoniously licking her paw.

[Hey everyone, remember to enter my giveaway if you haven't yet -- click here to do so!]


  1. WWWWoooowww... I want one of those where did you get it???????

  2. too cute! I've never saw those,, I bet they are popular for sure.I want to thank you for buying from my Etsy,, I'm going to ship that chickadee print out this morning,, I feel like a bull in a china shop , blundering along, I really need a few more grey cells, this was a very challenging thing and it shouldn't be!!Thankyou so much agian!!!

  3. What a hoot! :) Thanks again for another morning smile!

  4. WHERE do you find this stuff?!?!?!?


  5. Her Royal Highness is a very insightful being; spiritual, philosophical and scientific. I might have to write to her for advise one of these days, I need to find a nice holy frog to put on my MINI, less optional.

  6. what's a ceiling cat?
    Love the cat witnesses :)

  7. hahahaha! Debra, this post is adorable!! :) Totally made me laugh and smile.:) I absolutely love cats...no other animal can touch the personality of a cat. I want one of those cat fish thingies too lol where did she get that??

  8. For those who are curious, I bought the Ceiling Cat symbol at our local environmentally friendly shop here in Edmonton called Earth's General Store, which carries lots of alternative and progressive things. I'm sure they must be available somewhere on the internet but I'm not sure where that might be.

  9. NEWSFLASH! These are available online at www.darwinfish.com -- plus many more styles too. Even a Flying Spaghetti Monster for you pastafarians!

  10. Your little cat is very pious. Bastet!

    Found the little cats at Northern Sun http://www.northernsun.com/n/s/Cat-Fish-Car-Emblem-(2104).html

  11. Thanks, Em! Another great source for those who covet thy neighbour's magnet.

  12. Funny the feline gang here isn't on my case about this. I'm well prepared now, though! Thanks, Debra!

  13. Kitty Power is alive and well! I am glad you have seen the Light!

  14. I love it. Have to look into getting one for my cabinet.

  15. I'm a little uncomfortable that your cat decal doesn't have a litter box, too. Especially as he seems to be...um...needing one.

  16. Thank you for that link! Lois

  17. Good morning Debra.....once again you have started my morning out with a chuckle.


  18. Dexter is a follower of Freya ..he figures if she allows her cats to be blue and pull her in chariot..she's ok with him.

  19. that is cute...but i want a dog one....

  20. Da ceiling cat witnesses are here...sounds like a fun time...just right for a nice cup of something and a relax...

  21. Ahahahaha! Oh...I needed that chuckle today :)

  22. I need to get one of those cats!

  23. HRH strikes again !!!! YeeHaw!!! (Going to check out NorthernSun and Darwinfish.... !!!!!

  24. Oh, and I forgot to add that I absolutely must have a copy of ScratchTower.....good bathroom reading!!!

  25. How adorable! I should get one for my little black bug! (and very appropriate since I have 4 black kitties!

    I was thinking that "Ceiling Cat" should be displayed with the feet up, but that would look too much like "Traveled On Cat", and that isn't a good thing. .plus it doesn't have that alternative to the fish thing going on.

    Thanks for sharing the sources too! You've made HRH very proud!

  26. Awesome car emblem....
    I may have to get one.

  27. Ooh man, I love the cat fish! Or is that a jesus cat? Hee, briliant!

  28. A cat based belief system? Noms and sleep? I'm in and I will pay for my own robe.

  29. I don't know. As deities go, Ceiling Cat is pretty demanding. At least Her followers in my house are.

  30. Must get one of those for my car! I'm sure now that we live in town, we will be receiving a visit from the Ceiling Cat Witnesses....even though we have a No Solicitor sign up.
    But we also now have a basement... does that mean we will also be getting visits from the Basement Cat Disciples?

  31. Too flippin funny! Need this laugh today. xoxo

  32. Amen. "As for me & my peeps, we will serve Ceiling Cat." is the best line I've heard in a while. :)

  33. always preferred wickedly down-to-earth basement cat to that sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, ceiling bitch... when i die and go there, i'll never be lonely, all my best pals will be WITH me :P lol

    love that cat symbol, despite being a diehard pooch person!

  34. I really want that cat thing. It'll go really well next to the little bouncing bunny on the back of my car. (Yeah, I drive a VW Rabbit!)

  35. Fucking LOVE the kitty fish thingy on the car!

    I had a friend who had a "jesus fish" that said gefilte in the middle : O


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