Monday 5 September 2011

The White Collar Holler

Happy Labour Day, fellow wage slaves! Hey, ever notice that miners, farm workers, truckers and other blue collar types get all the great labour protest songs? But what about us modern white collar workers -- where are OUR songs, eh? I know of only one. And I proudly present it here today, brothers and sisters, in solidarity with our common struggle.

Although this recording is by the late, great Canadian singer-songwriter Stan Rogers, the song was not written by him but by an ex-pat Canadian musician named Nigel Russell. He wrote other humorous songs too like Zen Gospel Singing and I'm Confused. Click here if you'd like to hear them -- it's worth your while!

[And click here if you haven't already entered my giveaway -- there's still time!]


  1. I just forward this to a scholar friend who is currently researcher Southern Music and Harlem Renaissance Music. I have a feeling he is going to LOVE this!

  2. Oh, forgot, happy corporate slave day to you too ;-)

  3. And then there is government slavery, such as DH endures (and me too since I live here!).
    One day you have a pension, next day???
    I shall stop before the sarcasm drips out of the comment box...LOL!
    2 years to retirement....and then he looks for another job.
    Ah yes, America is full of slaves again and the Masters are happy...
    Ooops, said I'd stop the sarcasm; sorry! <:-{


  4. great post, my husband is a retired blue color worker, never thought of the other side of the coin,

  5. ah, I feel so sad for us white collar slaves! Unlike, blue collar workers, we finished colleges but are still slaves :(((

  6. oh, it's labor day! i forgot about labor day. i just got a master's degree but i'll probably end up welding in the near future to make money, so i'm a bit torn.

  7. Happy Corporate Slave Day to you as well. For the enjoyment and comfort of the consumer, my hubby works today, and alot of other days that people of other collar colors get to take a day off. So happy traveling to all you lovely people who never stop to think the person you are bitching out because you didn't get what you want would also like to be enjoying a day off with family.
    Uh-oh, did I say that??????? Oma Linda

  8. Or how about those of us that used to have white collar jobs and now have blue collar jobs? Wonder if there's a song about that...

  9. That is awesome. Being white collar, staring at a computer all day, checking Facebook... man, life is HARD.

  10. That is wonderful, Debra. I absolutely loved it. What about Dolly Parton's song 9 to 5? Would that qualify as a protest song? Anyway you just made my day!

  11. Ha! Love this song! I'm heading into the office today too - but not until MUCH later. Have a great day!

  12. Labor day is an important day to me, as someone who has worked for unions. I find it sad that unions are being attacked right now so badly. Hopefully a worker's revolt will happen soon

  13. love it, thx deb :)

    have a chuckle with this song, re. a different kind of worker:

  14. Hi Debra.....I've never heard of Stan Rogers.....thanks for introducing him to me.


  15. is it just be or does it not make any sense to celebrate a Labor Day by not working?

  16. Great to have you back !!! I sure enjoy your posts
    Thanks for all your visits to my blog
    Johnina :D

  17. Teehee! I love it! Soon I'll be joining the work force *sniff sniff

  18. Yeah happy happy you filing types. BTW...I made you blog of the day.

  19. Love me some Stan Rogers. Singing 'Barrett's Privateers' while enjoying some pints and hot wings is one of my best memories of living in the North.


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