Friday 13 January 2012

Be Not Afraid!

For those who honour the Divine Feminine, Friday the 13th is a lucky day of blessings and celebration. Of course, every Friday honours the Goddess because "Freya's Day" is named for the Norse Great Goddess. But when a Friday also corresponds to the 13th day of the month, it is especially blessed. Thirteen is the sacred number of the Goddess because there are 13 moons or lunar months in a lunar year.

In early centuries, Friday the 13th was given an evil interpretation by the Christian church which was in the difficult process of christianizing Europe. If you can't suppress or eradicate something, demonize it. That was the Church's policy then and it continues today. Tried being a gay Catholic lately?

So enjoy Friday the 13th, everyone!


  1. The perfect day for this goddess to get her hair done! :D :D :D

  2. Friday the 13th is one of my favorite days. I wish it was warm and bright outside, for I would terrified my neighbors with some dancing and howling of delight.

    Happy Friday the 13th to you and your lovely Strange One!

  3. Your blog just reminded me that I need to see if I can find a large print copy of "When God Was a Woman". Been years since I've read it but if I remember correctly the author explains just how devastating the transition to Christianity was for women. On a happier note, after 2,000 years it is finally safe to say Happy Friday the 1th to you, Debra!

  4. The church, demonizing something...pssh! Never!!!

  5. Happy Friday the 13th, the luckiest day of the week.

  6. Happy Friday the thirteenth to you!

  7. Thanks Debra! Friday the 13th is now a day of blessings and celebration for us here.
    Yes, I have tried being a gay catholic....but not lately! I.m not that CRAZY!!!

  8. Happy Friday the 13th! May black cats bring you joy today!

  9. Happy Friday the 13th to you, Debra! Being a gay Catholic is absolutely not a treat at all. Being gay in just about any church setting is a very difficult thing. It's so sad that fear and hate are bred so rabidly in a place where "love" is supposed to be taught and expressed.

    Brightest blessings to you for a wonderful Goddess Day!


  10. Happy Friday the 13th to you, too. Always been a great day for me.

  11. both of my boys where born on a Friday and Patrick's birthday is today :), i never thought it to be unlucky

  12. happy friday the 13th! a lucky day for sure. there are so few of them!

  13. Maybe I'm the only one, but I've always found it to be a lucky day for me!

  14. Happy Friday the Thirteenth to you, Debra!

  15. Absolutely my dear! Enjoy it I will.

  16. ~a blessed day ahead to you and yours...i am looking forward to what it will bring forth! much lvoe light and blessings~

  17. And a most glorious Friday the 13th to you as well! :0)

  18. I was born on the 13th, not a Friday but I love the number. It was also traditionally BCCA (Before Christians came along) the number of the different moons! So happy Freya day to you, Debra

  19. I was born on Friday the 13th. This is probably why I've always felt such an affinity with the Goddess and with nature in general. My upbringing pretty much tried to kill it out of me but I always kept my secret. ; }

  20. Cool bit of info. Hope you're having a glorious day!

  21. O Happy Day! I re-claim thirteen whenever I can. Micro-waving for a minute 13 secs, stirring something for 13 times. If you count up through the Tarot court cards, the Queens are thirteens!

  22. I went though most of the day before I realized it was Friday the 13th - even with all the comments and blog posts.

  23. My son was born on a Friday and he became engaged yesterday - on Friday the 13th (he hasn't tried being gay or Catholic lol).

    Happy Friday the 13th even though it's now Saturday on Australia!

  24. Blessings and magic...a powerful day of beauty and Freya's power! Shine on! One of my fave days too..hope you enjoyed yours!
    Thanks again for that special are awesome!
    PS; love the cat!

  25. Belated happy Friday the 13th wishes! Gay Catholics are welcome at our parish, btw. Actually, they're not set apart in any way; just parishioners like the rest of us. No differences. My friend runs our children's sacrament preparation classes so she happens to know the gay couples/parents in our parish. All Catholics and non-Catholics are welcome with love.

  26. My luck still holds, nothing unlucky has ever happened to me on Friday the 13th! Now April 19th is a different story...1 tornado, a lost loved one in the OK. bombing and a badly cut far (different years of course).

  27. tad late, but you as well, deb :)

    some wag on cbc-radio today remarked a witches coven consisted of 12, and if it became 13, the last was 'the devil'... funny thing, wiccans have NO 'devil' in their belief system, NOR a solitary 'divine god', for that matter... so much for 21st c. 'intelligence' lol

  28. I hope you Friday was a good one! The 13th of Friday has always been a good day for me!!

  29. I did not know this..but it sure explains why I have always thought Friday the thirteen was my lucky and the cool is that?

  30. Hello kindred..thanks for always making me smile! happy you like my wee little b-day gift to myself this summer for my big4-0!
    Have a sparkling week ahead!

  31. I love Friday the 13th...Hope your keeping warm up there. Take care.

  32. Has there ever been a Good Friday the 13th?
    How ironic would that be, huh?

  33. I call it my "lucky" day...

    Happy New Year my friend...its been awhile...You are looking, FABULOUS!

  34. Debra, I've tagged you. Please join the fun at

  35. I kind of like Friday the 13th, it strikes me that if we all expect a bad day, it's gotta be better than we expect.

    And this year it was better than the crapfest that was the rest of the week.....!

  36. Friday the thirteenth has often been a *great* day for me ... and for one of my cousins, it's a day of joyful anniversaries ... and in the I Ching, the number 13 signifies the principles of community and friendship. 'So there!' to all the nay-sayers ;-)

    Debra, thanks for your wee notes on my blogs ... I haven't done a whole lot lately, and you've long been a faithful reader and blog-pal ... I really appreciate you!

    Bless xoxo

  37. hey from prince edward island !
    i always see your name on other blogs i follow so i thought i would stop by.
    i almost named my daughter freya... she is anya instead, but i do love friday 13.


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