Monday 16 January 2012

Hunker Down and Find Your Mittens

Here on the prairies, we've been pampered for the past month with beautiful, mild weather. It has seemed more like April than December/January. But all good things must come to an end. We're back in the deep freeze now, with temperatures between -20 and -30°C.

So it's a perfect time to post this delightful video by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Choir. The choir sings suggestions for staying warm set to the glorious music of Carl Orff's "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana. Watch it full screen for best visibility of the subtitles!


  1. that was just amazing, the laughing at the end was so funny, how did they ever talk everyone into doing that! I love the way we Canadians say Calgry,, so funny!
    Thanks for sharing this, its cold here in our part of Canada too, not as cold as you though,

  2. this is so cool! blow some snow and cold my way please!!!

  3. -30? Oh, Debs, when can I visit? I've always wanted to experience Siberian weather :) Do you have electricity and water when it's soooo bellow zero?

  4. Minus 30??!! Eeek, I do not feel so bad about the minus 2 this morning. Double up on those mittens!

  5. same here...January has ARRIVED!!!

  6. People always think Colorado is so cold. But it's not. It doesn't even go negative here. Minus 30? Kill me.

  7. Totally cool, or should I say hot?! I could use some gravy action on my cheese right about now.

  8. ~did you find your mittens and snow shovel!?! love it...will show my littles here in awhile...sending you a bit of warmth on this chilly wintery day...temps only in the 20's here...much love light and blessings~

  9. oh man..I loved that video.
    It's supposed to be 70 here today.

  10. Hey sweetie, I tagged you so go to my blog and get the details and questions. and all that other trashy crap I have for you. Ta..

  11. I like this version of Carmina Banana more than the other. Thanks for posting, and DO stay warm!

  12. Oh yeah, I knew we could count on you Plough Girls and Boys to teach the rest of the country how to stay warm this winter!!!

  13. Minus 30? Our 17 doesn't sound so cold after all.
    Stay warm.

  14. Loved That!! always love your vids. Could ya do me a favor...I have been hearing that you can’t see my blog...would ya check and leave a comment...Thanks.

  15. I loved watching them smile as they got to some of the lyrics,lol

  16. That was better than I expected. Pretty funny! I could tell it was hard for some of them to keep a straight face as they sang!

  17. So funny and I loved the mouth twitches too!! Where do you find these fabulous quirky things?! Love it :) BTW, I will never ever complain about winter here ever again!!

  18. So fantastic! Thanks for making the cold feel a little less biting.
    -from your even colder neighbour up north

  19. gaaaaahhhh ... minus 30? Is that even a real temperature? I've been moaning about it being in the 50s here... the plus 50s. I admire your hardiness - lol! And I love the video; smiled and chuckled from beginning to end. What a fun, sweet, quirky idea!

  20. He cool! Love the way they chuckled at the end.

  21. Love it!!!! :0)
    Sounds like Hot Toddy Time to me! :0)


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