Wednesday 18 January 2012

La Barriere Park, Part 1

Three people have recently tagged me with the "Eleven Random Questions" meme so now I am positively swimming in questions! What I'm going to do is answer one question from each tagger in individual posts over the next little while. Yes, I am completely disregarding the rules of the meme by doing it this way but I make my own rules, LOL!

First up, Hannah of The Silence of the Moon inquires "Where is your favourite place?" I have many favourite places, but today I'm going to tell you about La Barriere Park in Manitoba where I used to live.

La Barriere Park is an ordinary little greenspace park located just south of Winnipeg near the village of St. Norbert. It's quiet, natural and secluded. There's a small bridge over a little creek, some BBQ pits, a few picnic tables and a wooded area with walking paths.

I used to go quite often to La Barriere Park with my then-girlfriend, Big Bad Butch, and our cat named Cinnamon Nutmeg. We would barbeque potato packets, wieners and marshmallows. The cat would explore the picnic site on her leash. She loved being outdoors. Then we'd go for a little walk over the bridge and through the woods before heading home. La Barriere Park is a wonderful spot.

The park's name comes from Manitoba history. More on that tomorrow.


  1. I love when people do these tag thingys,, we get to know people so much better.
    I should have known you would do things your way, lol, thats just the way you roll right, you are a prize you are,, have a super day,
    that is a beautiful place.

  2. As if we would believe you that the only thing you did in the woods was picnicking with the girlfriend LOL :p

  3. The fact that your cat would tolerate a leash just bumped you from awesome to FRIGGIN INCREDIBLE!

    What a wonderful place to visit.....thank you for sharing!

  4. What fun! We get to learn more about you! :D

    Perceptive you ... about the rose.......

  5. Hi Debra, what a beautiful place, it somehow reminds me of Fanshawe Park in London, Ontario where we used to take the kids when they were little. Thanks so much for sharing your memories. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  6. Yay..beautiful place..and wonderful memories......and sweet your kitty's name... that is so adorable!
    Sounds like a fab place!

  7. i tried to leash train my cat pyawacket. as soon as the leash went on she pancaked. it never got any better.

  8. Great pics - I really need to learn how to group photos, what program did you use for this? Cinnamon Nutmeg :)

  9. We used to take our first kitty places on her harness too. She was a calico, and I think that they are well suited to leashes, as our Crouton now is a calico and loves the harness. Most of our other cats act like they are dead when we try it. And I love that Jaz's cat 'pancaked'! I pancake quite regularly...

  10. ~a stroll down memory lane...a beautiful park you have the little bridge and creek...look forward to hearing more! much love light and blessings be with you and yours~

  11. It's hard to imagine a cat on a picnic in a park, but totally cute.

    Beautiful park.

  12. Such a lovely place! I ca nsee why it is your favorite spot. :0)

  13. I want to kiss my Piano Man, at midnight, on that bridge. It looks lovely!

  14. I need to finish my meme..sigh*...
    the park sounds like a lovely place...

  15. Hi Jane -- True confession time: I got that multi-photo off the web. I don't have a clue how to do this with my own photos!

  16. That would be one of my favorite places as well. Oh, how peaceful and serene.

  17. Sounds like a lovely place. I am amazed that your cat would be okay with a leash!

  18. once had a guinea pig named nutmeg.
    im not envious of your weather... its only -4C in PEI tonight.
    (left a little msg on fri 13 post :))

  19. Looks absolutely lovely. Glad to hear you were able to get a cat on a leash....I have been, shall we say "unsuccessful" - yeah...and I remember there being a lot of bandages involved.

    Thanks for sharing.


  20. What a gorgeous park! I like that you are going to answer your questions your way, especially if the answers are as detailed and entertaining as this!
    Divas and Dreams has a tutorial on how to make a palette in Photoshop Elements. Kim Klassen might have one too.

  21. I like this place already! Is it 'dog-friendly'?

  22. I remember well taking class trips to Winnipeg and visisting Fort Gary. I spent many summer roaming around that city in my summers. We will always have our love for that town in common.


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