Tuesday 17 January 2012

Calling All Book Lovers!

This delightful stop-action film called The Joy of Books was made recently in Toronto by Sean Ohlenkamp, his wife and a whole lot of volunteers who spent several nights rearranging all the books in this small bookstore. Original music is by Grayson Matthews.

What a whimsical love letter to books! Kindles and e-readers can't do this, can they? Go buy a book from an independent bookseller today and support your local bookstore!


  1. I saw this video somewhere last week, and then didn't find it again... thanks for posting, I love love love it!

  2. I love this too. Can you imagine the time it took to make this!
    Need your address please. I have something to send to you:) duffettfolkart@yahoo.ca

  3. Love, Love, Love this! What kindle???!!!!! :D :D :D

  4. I still love my Kindle, though. So much easier to maneuver on a busy subway.

  5. Beautiful..magical..you have stolen my heart with this gorgeous journey!Thanks for sharing this!

  6. seen it on Canada AM (I think)..great video

  7. That's brilliant, I love it! I live in a population of 100,000 people, and there isn't even one independent bookseller!

  8. Magical! I can't imagine how much work this was to produce.

  9. Charmed by this.

    Long live the Book!

  10. Here....Here!!!!!!!

    I could not agree more.


  11. I will always love real actual books! And not just because I can't afford a Kindle.

  12. ~makes my heart sing...love books...could spend hours lingering through written words...a wonderful tribute to books! my sister gave me her old kindle...i picked it up and played for a minute and quietly tucked it away...just not the same as holding a book in your hands...so many of our stores have shut down around here...you hardly see bookstores anywhere...very sad...i don't know how you always find such fascinating videos...but love love love what you share! much love light and blessings~

  13. that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)

  14. wonderful!!! I love this,

  15. I just kissed my copy of Snuff by Terry Pratchett (it was the closest print book in sight) then I winked at my Kindle, too. I love stories in all their formats, but there is something magical about the feel of a bound book.

  16. Wow!! People are so creative!!

  17. That must've taken forever! So cool...

  18. Oh my goddess, being a huge bibliophile I loved this and hope this is a call to all of us who love books so much. I think with all the book shops closing down there seems to be a new rallying voice calling out for togertheness. Oh, I realize how sappy that sounded ; )
    Thanks for the video.

  19. As a rabid book lover, I adore this video. Thanks a bunch!!!

  20. If you would like some more books & a Tarot deck, come enter my give-away! It's a bit Valentine-ish, too:

  21. How inspiring was this!!!!??? I love love loved the sound track! Thanks so much for posting this Debra.....a great way to end the day.

  22. super Debra....I shared this video on my FB page.

  23. That video wouldn't have looked anywhere near as good using kindles :)

  24. Great video!
    I alwaysmhave to pause and admire how fantastically creative some people are. And patient too. That must have taekn ages to do!

  25. I always knew things went on in bookstores at night when no one was around!! :0) Marvelous video!

  26. thx deb, heard about the vid on cbc radio, trawna :)

    stop motion animation is among the hardest to do well... you can only tweak so much per second, and they're likely shot at 30 fps [frames per second] for video, 24 for film...

  27. How gorgeous is that film? Creative and heart-warming. Much as I love the ease and size of my Kindle, I really miss buying real books.


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