Tuesday 24 January 2012

My Favourite Hobby

The second meme question I've chosen is posed by Vickie of Aoibheal's Lair: "If you had to choose just one hobby, what would it be and why?"

Hey, how the hell did that get posted? *shakes fist at Her Royal Highness the cat* It's a pack of lies, I tell you!

Actually, blogging is my favourite hobby, not bestiality. I enjoy thinking up things to blog about, finding appropriate photos or cartoons to go with my posts and yammering on and on.

Here's a few truths about the blogging life that I'm sure you will recognize from your own experience as I did, LOL!


  1. Debra that is hilarious, all of them. ah me thinks it is a great hobby though. have a wonderful day. c

  2. Ha ha ha...these are all great. And (sadly) there's a lot of truth to them.

  3. Too too funny! And ... too, too true!!!!!!!

  4. great line up and I'm so glad you chose blogging as a hobby, you do it so well!!!

  5. Ha! Remind me later. Sounds like me. I'm glad blogging is your hobby. You always find a way to make my day.

  6. That last one is best... and probably most true for me. Nothing like a good, exciting blog post to make everyone forget I'm an unemployed writer who sits around in his underwear all day.

  7. I've only been blogging for a few months and I already want a holiday! These are hilarious!

  8. "REMIND ME NEXT YEAR" lol :)))

  9. I'm sure it's no surprise that my favorite is the last ; )

  10. All of these sum up the reasons I take time off from blogging sometimes, and then come back to it. Thanks for sharing these!

  11. this isn't a life?....why do i miss it when i stop?....we all know we are a bit cracked but that is the fun of it!

  12. So will you check back with us in a year?

    Thank you.

  13. I can relate to all of these - goodness knows I've tried... but I can't stop!

  14. I'm in tears! Fat, out of control laughing tears.

  15. This is my new favorite card other than parkplace.

  16. the chickens are always good. I like the wings the best.
    The cartoon does point out a smartphone problem - excuse to be rude.

  17. I never thought of it that way, but yes... I'd have to say that blogging and hunting for crazy pics would be my most favorite hobby too. Clearing up the bestiality thing was probably a good move. ;-)

  18. "Actually, blogging is my favourite hobby, not bestiality."

    Too funny!!!

  19. So glad blogging is your hobby!

  20. hobby?

    who the hell has TIME for a hobby with all this online crap i do? :P lol

  21. life? hobby? it's the same right?...

  22. so wait..i'm confused...

    you're NOT into bestiality?

  23. ~only you my dear firend could sum up the life of a blogger so perfectly well!!! love it...much love light and blessings~


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