Wednesday 25 January 2012

Scots 'n Aussies

Today is Robbie Burns Day, the birthdate of Scotland's greatest poet, och aye. And tomorrow is Australia Day, mate! So tie yer kangaroo down, throw another haggis on the barbie and celebrate both festivals together by watching this crazy Australian TV ad. Enjoy!


  1. never tried haggis, but want too :)

  2. I don't know whom I love better the Scots or the Aussies!

  3. oh my gosh thats funny, use your knees, ha ha.
    I have had haggis, nothing to write home about, its better the second day fried in butter.

  4. It's a little early for all that skin Debra, but i almost spit my coffee at the computer screen laughing! Woke me right up!

  5. That was rather funny! Working a construction site in a kilt! The exposure!

  6. Thankfully they stress proper body mechanics on that worksite!

  7. That's awesome! Reg is going to love this, thanks and Happy Robby Burns Day to you too!

  8. I personally think of Mike Meyers from "So I married an Axe murder" when I think of my fave. Scots ; )

  9. now that is a good commercial... Happy Robbi Burns day to you as well....

  10. Very enjoyable commercial!!! I just finished reading a book about Celt/Scots/Norman knights...decent light reading...Nothing like a man in a kilt, eh?

  11. this is so funny and i was in such a hurry to forward it to people i left you blog without commenting! but then i remembered and came back!

  12. lol
    nice video
    to laugh one should see this video

  13. bloody awesome! lol :D

    scots wha ha'e!

    i put a ton of scots' stuff on my fb page, including comic billy connolly... i know that's irish, but he was born in scotland, so he's a scot, complete with the brogue, lass ;)

    if you like raunchy humor, find his videos on youtube... he holds nothing back! :O

    to all my oz pals: happy aussie day, tomorrow :)

  14. Jesus...I forgot to cross my legs all day!

  15. LOVED THIS! Kinda glad in a way my ancestors left their kilt behind!

  16. I love me some Scotsmen..and the Aussie's ain't bad either.

  17. OMG I have never seen that ad!! Love it! Happy Robbie Burns day to all the Scots and Happy Aussie Day :) Good on ya Debra!!

  18. Ha Ha ha! I love that!

    I tryed Haggis yesterday, twas good!


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