Thursday 23 February 2012

Dear Photograph

Have you heard of or visited the really cool website called Dear Photograph? People take old photos back to the locations where they were originally shot, hold the photos to line up with the same landmarks as they appear today and then create a new photo of the result. The photos are submitted to Dear Photograph along with little letters, stories and explanations which are often quite poignant.

Favourite subjects frequently recreate childhood memories. Look how this person even matches up the old and new car in the current photo!

Using this technique, you can relive your glory years of high school again!

Another favourite topic recreates nostalgic memories of ancestors now dead and gone.

I like this photo of a sad old couch waiting on the curb for the garbage truck but with a memory of happier times.

Sometimes missing buildings and terrible events are remembered.

I think this is one of the most touching photos of all -- an older man, now alone, remembers when he and his wife used to sit and laugh on this same park bench . . . .

Want to visit the Dear Photograph site and see more great photos? Click here.


  1. I love this website! I discovered it before Xmas by accident and I've been following it ever since. It's an amazing idea, and some of the photos are precious, and often, touching. For those who haven't been there yet, visit this site!

  2. That last one made me cry. That is so sweet and so sad.

  3. Ooh wow...what a cool idea! Thanks!

  4. That is so bizarre! I love the ones with the cobblestones, and can't imagine the patience you'd need to set up the shot.

  5. Wow, that last one...

    I actually tried this a couple of years ago when I went back to my home town 30 years later. I had a photo of me in our front yard, as a child. All that was left of our house was an empty lot. Bummed me out.

  6. I love it. Wish I had some photos to bring back, but lost all in a fire years ago.

  7. I've never heard of this site, wow, how cool is this!

  8. I've never come across this site before. Some of those photos are so poignant.

  9. That is really cool. I'm going to try that. Thanks She Who Seeks.

  10. Oh, my! What a wonderful idea and site. Thank you!!!!!

  11. ~you know i have seen these pics floating around but never knew there was an actual website...deeply touching is the last one you shared...these are beautiful moments to sneak a peek! thank you for sharing this with us...much love light and blessings~

  12. I've been to this website and it's amazing. I'd love to travel back to my old hometown (Timmins, Ontario) and try this out.

  13. I actually have never heard of this, but I love the creativity and the memories. I have a feeling I'm going to go spend my entire day on this site.

  14. About 12 years ago, my family posed for one of those cheesy Xmas card shots on the front porch of our house. We got all dressed up for it and everything. This year my daughter The Spare suggested we do it again ... in the same place and the same pose. The result? *weeps* my babies are all grown up!

    Anne, home sick from school.

  15. That is awesome. At first I thought it was just another meme, but this one's got some solid thought and emotion behind it. And that last one, Jeebus. :'|

    Thank you!

  16. so sweet. - that last one !!!! baawwww.

  17. So cool..The one of the old man was very poignant and lovely

  18. I know Dear Photograph but stopped following it awhile ago. Maybe time to start again! Thanks for the reminder. (That last one's my favourite too.)

  19. OMG! I LOVE THIS!! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Oooh that last one kills me:(

  21. Wow! this is a pretty good idea! I'm gonna have to do this some time!

    I can't help but wonder what the old people in the old picture (third picture) would say if they knew in a hundred years or so some one would take a picture of the picture of them in the same location!

    Thanks for posting about this and making me aware of it!

  22. How cool is that!!! The last one is very touching, but all got to me.

  23. Absolutely marvelous! A very ingenious way of reliving past memories. Thanks for sharing! :0)

  24. It's amazing how people posed for photos back then.

  25. I've not seen this site before. So wonderful, and at last one brought tears to my eyes.

  26. I love these! It's amazing how many are even possible with the way things get torn down or altered. So great when they can make the concept work though.

  27. This is fabulous Debra! I'm going to try a few of my own!!!

  28. This is a neat place to see...Yes the last one was so sad

  29. I've never heard of this site. Thanks for the link.

  30. Thank you for this link. I've just found yet another way to lose hours and hours of my life on the internet!! Very cool!


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