Friday 24 February 2012

Goddess Key Ring Winners

First of all, just let me say that I wish I could send a Goddess Key Ring to each and every one of you who entered! But having said that, I only have three key rings -- so by random draw, here are the three winners:

Brandi of Serendipity

Lyn of Witch Blog

(I will be in touch with each of you this weekend to obtain your mailing addresses.)

Blessed be everyone who entered!


  1. it's a setup :)) you gave it only to girls :) Just joking off course, congrats to the ladies.

  2. congratulations to the lucky winners, they are new names to me and I will go visit each one, have a great friday!

  3. congratulations to all of you ladies. Blessings, Oma Linda

  4. Ha ha! I understand! I love holding contests and then always feel bad when I don't have something for everyone who took the time to enter!

    But they are fun - so hanks for having the contest and congratulations to the winners, Debra!

  5. Congratulations to the winners :)

  6. Oh my, I'm so happy I won! Also now maybe some more people will see my Gathering Small Stones blog. I will wait for your email to send my address to you. Thanks!!!

  7. Very hearty congrats to the winners! I am disappointed but was brought up to be a good loser. SIGH!

  8. ~ah...what a treat!!! a wee little faerie snuck over this morning in the wee early hours and left me a message to say i must stumble over your way!!! congrats to all and thank you so for sharing these with us...

    i am very excited as my guardian angel who used to hang on my ring as of late no one has been tending to her space...she will be welcomed greatly...

    wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend ahead...much love light and blessings~

  9. Congrats to the winners, esp. Lynn : )

  10. Congratulations you three! :) Blessed Be

  11. Thank you so much!! This has made my day/week... my old keyring has actually fallen to bits so She will be well received :-)

  12. I didn't enter because I already have a keyring I am in love with, but I wanted to say this was fun & generous to watch.

    Congratulations to the winners!

  13. Damn. Now what-oh-what will I ever do with my keys?

  14. Bless me! I forgot to wonder if I'd won. Though, of course, if I'd won, I wonder what I'd have done with it!

  15. Proof positive....I never win a damn thing!

  16. grats, guyz!

    guess vic [my dog] and i, have to wait... and wait... and wait some more....


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