Friday 17 February 2012

Goddess Key Ring Giveaway

In December, I gave out these cute little Goddess key rings as Winter Solstice gifts to the women of my drumming circle. A few more were given out at the January and February circles to those who hadn't attended in December. Now the remaining three will be giveaway prizes on this blog!

The Goddess pendant is shiny pewter and about 1.5" long. She has the sacred spirals of life at her breasts and womb. If you don't want to use this as a key ring, you can take the pendant off the ring and use it on a necklace.

Here are the giveaway rules:

1. You must be an official Follower to enter. Old, new or just signed up to enter the contest, it's all good. And it doesn't matter where you're from in the world, I'll mail the key chains anywhere.

2. In addition to being a Follower, you must leave a comment on this post. If you leave a comment but don't want to be entered, just say so.

3. One entry per person (leaving ten comments will still only result in one entry).

4. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.

5. The three winners will be chosen by a random draw made on Thursday, February 23 and the results will be posted here on Friday, February 24.

Good luck, everyone!


  1. :::jumping up and down wildly::: I want to enter I want to enter!!!!

  2. I've been away too long to feel comfy entering (FINALLY going home tomorrow! YIPPEE!!), but wanted to comment that you always find the neatest gifts!! I'm sure that everyone who has one, treasures it! VERY nice choice!!

  3. Oh boy, oh boy! I want one!!!! :D :D :D

  4. ~ah...these are beautiful little goddess key kind you are to share!!! thanks for the fun little giveaway...much love light and blessings~

  5. oh, my, Debs those are pretty pretty pretty :)

  6. Me too, me too, me too! You are a goddess. L

  7. I love them. Please be sure to enter me.

  8. What a great way to let everyone know I am a child of the goddess Hope I win THANK YOU for sharing the beautifulness Goddess Bless!

  9. Would love to be entered..and thank you!

  10. Count me in! I love this and would probably go the pendant route :)

  11. I don't do the follower thing, but i do come here and read. They are wonderful---love the spirals and stars.

  12. These are too cute! I would love to be entered to win. I'm definitely a follower of your blog.

  13. beautiful, count me in too!

  14. Yes, Yes, Yes...count me in...would be a wonderful addition to my collection...

  15. This is so cool! Count me in! And thanks for the opportunity :)

  16. Those are really cool. Do you make those? I'm not trying to win one because neither my wife or myself really wear jewelery and I'd hate for one to go to waste. I just wanted to say that they remind me of Niki de St Phalle's "nana" sculptures.

  17. Hi Professor Chaos -- Alas no, I am not talented enough to make these. I bought them in a little spirituality store. I will check out Niki de St Phalle's work if I can find her on the internet -- thanks for the tip!

  18. Count me in...just to prove to myself that I never win anything. Should I, by some miracle, happen to win, I will gift it to my wife!

  19. All hail boobs. Or boobs that are hard as hail. Or Hell. Or something.

  20. Oh wow these are awesome! Pick me pick me....oh PLEASE PICK ME! :D

  21. Oh wow! These are really nice! Me likey!

  22. I have her twin hanging around my neck and never take her off..when I had my sleep apnea test the lady asked me if I was a home health care worker...I said no why..? she said that spiral goddess is on all their paper work and is there logo. cool

  23. Those are super-cool, indeed! The lucky winner will be thrilled, I'm sure. No need to enter me in the drawing; I try to keep my keyring to an absolute minimum. But if I didn't, one of these would be uber cool!

  24. Google Friends Connect - following you publicly as (Louis)

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  25. Pending a dependant pendant pedunculating between a pedant's plural charms, can a mere newbie hope to win?

  26. Yes please! I would REALLY like to be in this contest. REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. Yes I would!!!

  27. Hi, I really like those key rings! I make key rings too, but haven't tried using pewter. Nice look. Here's my link if you want to see my unique key rings...all one of a kind -

    I would love to be entered into your contest! I promise if I win, I'll give away one of mine as a Thank you!

    Virginia Vivier -
    Tucson, AZ

  28. Awright, I actually figured out how to follow you given that the followers thing is notoriously wonky on my ancient, ancient browser. So count me in for the contest!

  29. I would love to win one of these beautiful keyrings. I would love to hang it above my altar.

  30. I'm a follower and I WANTS me some Goddess key rings. They look lovely!

  31. Hey, I have been following you on my feeds, but I will follow ya on your blog as well, count me in , love the goddess key pendant

  32. One of these would be great for my locker key.

  33. Oh, I want one! Fabulous giveaway :-)

  34. oh yes please. my daughter would just love one of those.

  35. If it's gonna help me become a goddess...why not?!

  36. thanks for the reminder! ...i'm in....

  37. Been gone too long so shouldn't enter but wanted to say thanks for the welcome back and for the reminder to look at your goddess pieces. A good reminder to try to reconnect to my goddess...we've been a bit disconnected heehee!

  38. I wore a goddess around my neck for years, and she protected my body. I'd love to have a goddess to protect my keys and home, too!) Nice idea Debra!

  39. gosh, how in the for crying out loud did I miss this before???? Be nice, no mentioning about the decaying grey matter. Yes, Please enter me in this giveaway.
    Thanks, Oma Linda

  40. Adding my name to the pot ;)
    Thank you for doing this for the greater interwebs community :D

  41. I'm slipping in just under the wire. :) Thanks!

  42. You know what Debra? I think my 'kid' sister would love to have one of these! So count me in please.

  43. Oooh, love them. I'd like to enter, please.

  44. well, damn... ol wuff's late at the partay, yet agin! :(

    ah, well... g'luck, alla youse udder guyz...


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