Friday 10 February 2012

Goddess Toast

Unlike other deities who are needy attention whores, the Great Goddess manifests Herself on foodstuffs much, much more rarely. The only occurrence of which I'm aware and about which I previously blogged is when She chose to manifest Her Sacred Yoni (Vulva) on a pancake (click here, all ye faithful).

But behold! The Great Goddess Bast will not be outdone by that upstart Jesus. She too has just manifested Herself on a lowly piece of toast. Cast your eyes upon Her feline magnificence and sing Her praises forever!

Wait, what? Oh, sorry. I've just been advised that this image is, in fact, a cat named Henry, who was the late, beloved feline companion of Blueberry of Texas Oasis. Still, though . . . a pretty impressive manifestation, I'd say. You will always rock, Henry.


  1. I would feel like I was eating a cat's soul if I ate that toast! Wouldn't it be weird if you ate the toast and got a bunch of hair in your mouth?

  2. Ha funny! This should fetch a pretty sum on eBay :)

  3. that one has to be eaten with tuna, right? :)

  4. Henry - the best cat to EVER appear on toast, paws down, I swear to Cats!

  5. O Henry, I am in awe of your magnificence!

  6. Yer scarin' me now, and every time I eat my toast out of homemade toast, I study it. I mean, you know that a saint or god/goddess like Henry won't be appearing in store-bought loaves.

  7. You are too much. Been feeling a bit down on myself this morning, but coming here make my day. Thank you.

  8. no toast is lowly. i want a toast-printer like yours..

  9. Man, my toast always looks like toast.

  10. Hallelujah!!! Thank goodness for toast!!

  11. HOW did I miss the sacred yoni in a pancake blog!!! Before I started following you I guess. Lucky I caught it the 2nd time around! Sadly, I never eat toast - or pancakes. Maybe somebody will turn up in my oatmeal!!! Keepin' my amera close!

  12. Super cool kitty...that is waay too funny! Thanks for the giggles

  13. Lol, must get my camera ready before every mealtime! This morning my toast just looked like toast with a poached egg on it!

  14. Dexter only cares about the mermaid on his can of tuna.

  15. I'm sure the might and grandness of The Great Goddess Bast had something to do with Henry's glorious manifestation.

  16. as odd as this is going to sound... I've been looking for a picture of a cat on toast! way to rock it Henry! where do I ask permission to repost this photo?

  17. dayum deb... how come i find anything of consequence in MY toast? :P lol

    wv: dogedu it trying to tell me i gotta take mine to doggy school?

  18. That's hilarious! Following you now!

  19. Hhhhhmmmmmm...... Gomez says I need to check every piece of toast now before I eat it.

  20. Green Monkey: Henry was my baby. You can use it and give a nod to Blueberry over at Texas Oasis. :-) I actually snagged the "toast" off the web, so we all borrow here and there.


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