Wednesday 15 February 2012

'Iao Valley Cats

Feral cats are unfortunately all too common in Maui. When we were visiting the beautiful 'Iao Valley park, we caught a glimpse of some roaming the countryside.

Later we stopped outside the park to get something to eat. Not too much was open except for this little take-out joint called the Nature Cafe. The place didn't really look all that promising but we figured we could get a plate of greasy fries or something there.

But we were SO guilty of judging a book by its cover . . . we ended up having wonderful gourmet sandwiches. I had brie and bacon with tomato and lettuce on focaccia bread. My Rare One had avocado and crab on focaccia.

Plus the owner/chef turned out to be a major cat lover. He is part of a local committee supporting the 'Iao Valley feral cats. Some of the cats are trusting enough to come and eat at the restaurant's back door.

The committee raises money to help feed and assist the strays. So we left a big tip for the 'Iao Valley cats.

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. We need something like that here, as there are lots of feral cats around. We do have a no kill pound, which is more than a lot of places have.

  2. Seems like they're doing a good job - those kitties look well cared for.I love it when a place that doesn't seem that promising delivers great food.

  3. Feral cats are everywhere, and they need our help. I had a feral cat in my basement for 3 years. when it became apparent that she was not going to 'come around' We found Mama a home at a farm. We placed 25 of her kittens in 2 years, before we moved and trapped her to take her with us hoping that she would become tame enough to spay...

  4. Your lunch sounds fantastic, btw. I wish there were more kind and committed folks like the people in Iao Valley. I appreciate reading about this.

  5. Sadly, there are so many feral cats here in the city. In the neighborhood I just moved from, they used to poison them. I was devastated to wake up one morning and find them all gone. I'm so glad to be out of there. Here, in my new neighborhood, people all put out food for them. It's wonderful.

  6. The one thing those feral cats have going for them is the weather - the cats over here really suffer.

  7. Maui cats!! really was a "nature" restaurant. ....sounds like great grub too!.......

  8. Seems everywhere has their feral cat very very sad. It's heartening to see that there's an effort to make a difference.

  9. The ever growing cat population confirms my suspicions that they are trying to take over the world. But they are so cute and cuddly, how can you not do your part to feed them and find them homes?

  10. The Nature Cafe' huh? Sounds like a clothing optional joint.

  11. Nice to see someone who cares and actually makes an effort to help out the feral cat population. I've always swore that if I ever win the lottery, I would open up a huge no-kill cat shelter because I love cats so much.

  12. The food sounds really GOOD! And the owner sounds like a good hearted person. That is the kind of day that makes a trip memorable!!

  13. What beautiful the cats...I'm sure the cats said a wonderful Thank you for the tip...

  14. There are so many feral cats everywhere and it's nice to hear about the guardian angels of them. I haven't given up my hope for humanity when I read about people like the cafe owner.

  15. I guess the 'don't judge a book by its cover' came into play here. It's always such a nice surprise when a restaurant that you think is going to be a dump turns out to be so great. The owner sounds like a sweet person, too. Anyone who shows such kindness to critters, especially homeless cats is a gem!

  16. I do what I can for feral cats. At one point, I was feeding about 30 of them. Those creatures are such beauties.

  17. Great that you decided to 'risk' the restaurant :) The kitties remind me of all the strays in the ruins of Rome, I bought my son's fiancee a calendar of them :)

  18. what a beautiful spot, amazing.The fellow that feed the cats renews our faith in mankind,

  19. The Iao Meows? A beautiful spot to be feral, but all kitties need homes. Hope they can spay and neuter enough to keep the population down to a minimum.

  20. I can just read the acronym TNR on that blurry picture of the donation box, so excellent. Yeah, been there done that! Though it was only three feral mommy-cats to trap and spay.

  21. Isn't it great when a dodgy looking eatery is fantastic!
    On another note, and being a dog person, the feral cats kind of freak me out.

  22. This was an interesting post. I hope there are more generous people like you who leave $$ for the Kitties welfare.
    And never judge a restaurant by its dilapidated sign!


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