Sunday 11 March 2012

Did You Remember to "Spring Forward"?


  1. ~i just got up thinking its only 3:45 am...sigh...made my coffee turned on the computer to see your post...just looked at the clock and my goodness your right!!! it is 5:10 am...where have i been??? days are just slipping away...thanks for the wee little reminder...much love light and blessings~

  2. Ha the cartoon! I changed the clocks first thing this morning. Can't wait to see how much longer it'll take to get dark tonight!

  3. oh my gosh thats a good one!

  4. What? WHat?? WHAT??? Crap, how'd I miss that.

  5. Yes. Yes, I did remember. And that is why my back is aching this morning!

  6. Life has gotten so much easier; now we just click a few buttons and bitch about how tired we are ;-)

  7. I wish they'd just leave well enough alone!

  8. we change the clock a bit later on here in Europe :)

  9. i hate daylight savings time. i find it unnatural.

  10. I did remember to spring forward. Now the bar opens an hour earlier...

  11. I remembered, but between that and sleeping in a bit, all our meals today have been completely screwed up!

  12. I love this day and look forward to it all winter, 'cos now it means it's almost summer, right? Any day now.

  13. Love that cartoon! I kept reminding myself and for the first time ever, forgot until this afternoon. Luckily I didn't have any plans.

  14. i wish they would just keep it like it is..and not switch back in Oct.

  15. Oh yes, I remembered. It's the one day I can tricky my mind into thinking it slept in!

  16. Love the cartoon!
    Yes, spring forward - and it screws me up for a couple days every time!!!
    One hour shouldn't throw me off that much, but it does!

  17. you can thank prince george [dubya] for making it all happen earlier in the spring and later in the fall...

    only sensible ones seem to be the saskatchebushers - they refuse to play the game!

  18. It's nice knowing that instead of waking up at 5 this morning, which is already brutal, I woke up at 4. Thanks, daylight savings! That little tiny extra bit of temporary sunlight is SO worth it!

  19. Its amazing how groggy I feel losing that one hour of sleep!

  20. Damn Daylight Savings Time!!!! lol

  21. Really dislike this time change...bed time rolls around so early and it takes we forever to get enough sleep to catch up...bummer...

  22. Wanted to let you know that I received the goddess key ring today. Thanks so much. I love it and the quote on the back of it. Thanks again. I'm already using it.


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