Saturday 10 March 2012

Free Book!

Remember a couple of months ago I posted a rave review of Travis Erwin's very funny book, The Feedstore Chronicles? (click here)

Well, for this weekend only, you can download a FREE copy of it via Amazon for your Kindle. And if you don't have a Kindle, you can also get a free Kindle app for your smart phone or computer.

What a deal!

Click here to go to Travis's blog One Word, One Rung, One Day where all the necessary links are found!


  1. Travis is what we call in Texas...'a good ole boy.'

  2. Thanks Debra, What an amazing deal - I will do so right now!!

  3. Yes! Thank you! FREE is good, and I need something to read on the bus

  4. Thanks for the heads up - I've just downloaded it to my Kindle!

  5. Awesome! That's a good deal! I have a kindle!

    [your everyday girl,
    writing about guys]

  6. So glad I saw this in time!
    Thanks for the tip!!

  7. trav's a decent dude... til he shaves! lol

  8. I bought my copy way back then...haven't read it yet of many downloaded...


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