Friday 25 May 2012

Being an Artist's Muse

Twice this year, I have been deeply honoured to be an artist's muse to someone in the Blogosphere!

First, I was immortalized in ink by Francie of A North End Journal. She draws very clever cartoon strips featuring two stick-figure gals named Butterbrains and Smarty Pants. And here I am, making a guest appearance!

Didn't Francie do a marvelous job of capturing my likeness? You can see the full cartoon here.

My second experience as an artist's muse resulted in a work of art that is . . . well . . .  for adult eyes only! Barfly of SSS Porch Party decided to start a new Boob Calendar blog called Barfly F'art and recently portrayed me as the boob connoisseur that I am. Who knew that Barfly possessed such exquisite artistic talent?

Of course, Her Royal Highness is terribly jealous of me getting all this attention instead of her. She's quite shameless about wanting to break into the artist's muse biz herself.


  1. There must be something about those hands!

  2. Well it is true, Debra. Some people are just born to be an inspiration. (Butterbrains and Smarty Pants are just thrilled to be in your blog by the way.)

  3. haha! Love the kitty one too. I haz a jellus cause no one ever drew me. I wonder if they would just draw a big ass and a big mouth?

  4. The fingerless gloves are hilarious!

  5. Words fail me! You, MJ and Madonna sure know how to rock the glove.

  6. Fingers seeking. Thank you for this Friday morning smile in the midst of chaos! :)

  7. Sitting here at work feeling sick and wishing I were home. Thanks for making my day.

  8. Too funny!!! Very creative and btw, love the glove...

  9. It sounds wonderful to somehow be immortalized. You truly are an inspiration.
    AND, that cat picture is off the charts adorable.

  10. Debra, a perfect fit those cartoons, like a glove even!

  11. Oooohhhh.... the gloves... of course! I love it! Congrats on your Blog-ebrity. And you know I'm a Titanic freak, so I'm stealing your cat too. ;-)

  12. Wow...I had no idea you are so tall and thin.

  13. Aaaaahhhh....To be immortalized in a cartoon. Life doesn't get much better! :0)
    Gomez is hoping you'll share HRH pictures.....

  14. I once inspired a writer to write a whole book about a gay angel who falls for a hunky werewolf :)

  15. that cat cartoon!

    It's the gloves, Debra! Everyone loves the gloves.

  16. grats... you're now more infamous than you ever thought ;)

    too funny!

  17. That is so funny, Barfly did that!! =)

  18. well I'm proud to say I know a boob expert!
    I have started a new blog, Whe the bough breaks is no more, I had to satrt a new on, I have called it In my dreams I see, if you click my name here on this comment it takes you to me profile and its listed there, I hope you find me,

  19. T'was and honor She Who Seeks. Thanks for the shout out.

  20. The resemblance is impressive, specially your booted foot and the boobed torso; whenever I thought of you, that's how I imagine everything would look. Yep.

    HRH, you are sexy!

  21. HRH has been watching too much of Kate Winslet in Titanic!

  22. HRH has been watching too much of Kate Winslet in Titanic!

  23. Bwah-ha-ha!!! Love 'em...the gloves OF COURSE! Great minds, great muse and great pose HRH. My eyes!


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