Thursday 24 May 2012

HRH's New Boyfriend

Long-time readers of this blog know that my cat, Her Royal Highness, has a real weakness for bad boy kitties and sexy French toms.

Well, she's at it again.

This time she's fallen for an angst-ridden francophone poet named Henri. So does this emo-cat have any talent? Watch his latest effort and judge for yourself:

Personally, I think Henri is a bit of a poseur. Of course, HRH is head-over-heels in love with him so there's no reasoning with her. But as long as she doesn't take up smoking those stinky French cigarettes, I guess I can't really complain.


  1. Why can't HRH be drawn to someone with more, ne sais crois!

  2. Do you think HRH will let him out of the cat door?

    And HRH, no stinky cigarettes! Yuck!

  3. That's freakin funny. I was watching the video without sound at first. Big mistake. The sound makes it. Good job my fiend.

  4. That french cat always cracks me up. "Forgotton on the floor." Bwahahahaha.

  5. That was an excellent video, I just loved watching this!

  6. ooh, he's such a tomcat hunk :)

  7. I can certainly see why HRH would be attracted to such a brooding badtom.
    Oma Linda

  8. Actually my girls are quite enamoured with Henri as well. He certainly gets around!

  9. "I'm surrounded by morons."

    This cat - this cat GETS me.

    I love this.

  10. Poor HRH. He is sure to leave her, if he can get past his ennui enough to move.

  11. I love Henri! I posted about him on my blog awhile back. He also has a Facebook page, and (I believe) a couple of products or so selling. For a cat with 'ennui', he sure does get around. My own two female furballs haven't discovered him yet. They're not allowed to use the internet; they're still too young [smirk].

  12. Oh HRH, do not be fooled by such babbling! Emo-Kitty will love you and leave you! And then your poor Humans would be subjected to the misery of a Lover's pain.

  13. tough to soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys, like some wag said, way back when...

    yeah, hrh, if he smokes those damn gauloises, NEVER let him outta the cage! poseur, indeed... ;)

  14. Oo-la la! Je t'aime, M. Henri, je ta'aimw beaucoup! Pour toi, je mangerai la fenetre et marche sur mes pieds dans la Rue!!

  15. Poor Henri! Perhaps a brief fling with HRH would help to relieve the tedium... hehe

  16. Love the video, especially with the two parakeets. Reminded me of mine. Minga finally gave up the idea of a tasty snack and used to sleep next to the cage.

  17. LOL! Oh those French men!! They are ALL alike! Loved this!
    I haven't smelled Gauloises in SO long! Knew someone who ONLY smoked those! If you can imagine, and with NO filter!

  18. He would have been the cat of my dreams if I were a younger kitten. Yes, a poser, but damn, he can write. :)

  19. Figures she would fall for the bad boy type......the well bred always do!!!!!!! Trust me.


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