Monday 14 May 2012

Flashing me bum!

I'm having a minor procedure done at the hospital today so you know what I'll have to wear. Can't expect modesty or privacy in this situation, right?

Her Royal Highness sympathizes with me. For once, LOL!


  1. :) Sending good thoughts your way...and, stay out of drafts!!!

  2. Oh gosh, the flashing of the bum. We've all been there, done that. Hope your procedure is quick and easy. Love the cartooons!

  3. Oh yes, those hospital gowns are horrendous aren't they? Hope it all goes well for you and that there's no unintentional flashing!

  4. I will be thinking of you, Debs. I had a four hour surgery a week ago and I'm in bandages too :)
    Love the gowned kitty ;))

  5. Oh honey, I soooooo hear you! I've spent too much time this last year with my rear hanging out of those things...couldn't they make a modesty-flap to snap on???
    Just sayin' much butt does the staff really need to see? ;-)
    Hope all goes WELL!


  6. oh so funny, you take care, I will keep you in my thoughts.

  7. Wishing you well. Will be thinking of you.

  8. Supposedly they have seen everything before, but I can't help but think that they are snickering behind my bum, I mean, back! Good luck, positive vibes coming your way!!

  9. Adding well wishes for you!

  10. Just remember, as you wear that gown, somewhere a 12 year old girl is wearing something that's still more revealing. And that 12 year old is my neighbor.

    Hope everything goes well!

  11. Keeping you in my thoughts! :0)

  12. hahaha..hope all goes well. when i had my recent surgery i was in a room full of strangers all dressed like this. a very humbling experience for sure.

  13. Men in the urology waiting room need to keep their legs closed while wearing hospital gowns... Enough said.

    Good luck with your procedure, hope it is fast and furious. I will be joining you wearing a gown on Wed, I get to have a colonoscopy, what a treat. L

  14. May it be quick and painless (the buttock flashing from others, I mean) and don't compare theirs to yours - I'm sure your is much nicer :>)

  15. You have such a delightful attitude toward the ups and downs of life- I wish you well and will keep you in my thoughts today

  16. Eek! Hope you are dressed and out of the barenakedass gown by now and resting at home comfortably. Best wishes, Debra!

  17. Oh how I hate those gowns! Even if I'm not a patient I hate them! Going to visit a mother and seeing more than what you bargained for is not right!

    Good luck to you and try not to get exposed too much!

  18. Happy and safe thoughts for you! Try not to worry to much about the "draft". :-)

  19. Hope all went well? And I swear to goddess they make those things so they won't close!

  20. Hopefully everything comes out "all right in the end.,"

    No pun intended....LOL


  21. Debra, your blog title stood out to me like a neon sign. I seek to, not sure what but hey! I LOVE the kitty photo.

  22. Love the poor cat on her way to the vet!
    good luck and happy flashing.

  23. Well honey, I say if you got it flaunt it!!!! Let it all hang out and give the people something to talk about!

  24. Don't hide your shame - let your freak fly.

  25. Hope it went well and that you're back in your non-butt revealing clothes now.

  26. Hope all is ok...for now, stay away from drafty windows. Teehee.

  27. Look at all of the medical improvements, and yet the humble gown has remained the same. You automatically feel so vulnerable and humble in one. So if you should flash, flash with pride!!

    I hope that all went well for you!

  28. hope everything went well! yes, that gown is the worst!!! I insisted on "doubling up" one with the opening in the back and the other with the opening in the front.

  29. Hope your procedure went well and there were no butt revealing incidents....makes me think of Jack Nicholson in "Something's Gotta Give during the hospital scene. Hee!

  30. I hope your procedure goes well and you're feeling better super quick. I've had plenty of hospital stays. I know oh so well the breezy fashion of hospital gowns. Last time I was there I brought my thin and very lose PJs and insisted I wear them. They stopped arguing with me after the first ten minutes. :) Hope all is well.

  31. Hope everything is well. Those gowns were designed by assmen. I swear to it.

  32. Hope all went well and that they at least gave you some toasty socks to wear while you were exposed to drafty conditions!


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