Tuesday 15 May 2012


Look carefully at the middle rock on this beach in O'ahu.

Surprise! Yes, it's a sea turtle. I guess this honu came to the beach for a bit of sun, sand and surf just like the rest of us.

Although these photos don't show them, there were actually lots of people on the beach who were all looking at the turtle and snapping photos, just like me. But everyone was very respectful of the honu and did not try to touch or interfere with it at all.

Seeing a real sea turtle in its natural habitat was quite a thrill for a land-locked prairie girl like me!


  1. She doesn't seem particularly concerned that you are near. Used to the admiration I suppose. What a great holiday you had!

  2. What great photos. Such amazing creatures. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. it's a big turtle. She probably wants to runaway from the paparazzi, but that mission is more difficult for turtles ...

  4. Amazing. Since we have inherited our three turtles here at work, I have grown to respect them. Amazing to see their different personalities.

  5. Very cool, what an experience! It makes me want to bury my toes in the sand.

  6. Wow, that turtle is absolutely beautiful!!!

  7. Very cool... he seems to blend so perfectly.

  8. What a wonderful sight to see! I have never seen an adult one in the wild. I did go to a baby turtle release last year and plan to go to some more this summer. They release Ridley turtles here, I wonder what kind your turtle is? I wonder if she was going to lay eggs? I also had baby turtles hatch out in my front flower beds once. What a sight!
    You were lucky you got to see your honu, I love that word.

  9. what an honor to see this beautiful creature, you are a lucky woman indeed!

  10. We live a couple of hours from the beach in South Carolina where my in-laws have a house. There is a law on the island that there can be no exterior flood lights on the backs of houses during certain times of the year because it attracts the turtles from the ocean up on to land.

  11. oh I love turtles of any size! its nice to see the respect from human to reptile.

  12. Oh to be a turtle and just lay on the beach all day!

  13. Aren't they wonderful critters. We used to see turtles on the beach in Galveston on occasion. Such a sight!

  14. Lumbering and slow on land but so graceful and beautiful in the water. You are so lucky to have seen it!

  15. That is so cool!! I'm so glad to hear that although people were excited to see them they were still respectful enough to keep their distance. I know I would have been so thrilled too =)

  16. Beautiful! I love seeing animals like this in their natural environment.

  17. wonder what he thought about all that?

  18. it is nice to see real sea turtles...it blends in with the rocks

  19. That is very cool! When I was there I saw some while in the water but never on land.

  20. Oh my goodness! How incredible. I love sea turtles. I always have wanted to see one. You lucky gal you. :)

  21. Debra, what I finding!! She is so beautiful and you are so lucky to witness this.

  22. Yay!!!!! Thanks for sharing that with us! Very neat to see and it looks huge in just the picture alone........

  23. beauty!

    too bad they're under threat, by 'man', like so many other species GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    it's true what's been said: 'man' is the ONLY species that CRAPS in its OWN nest!

  24. Pretty cool. It's even better than a cat, though I'd love a picture of a cat and a sea turtle together.

  25. I love them. I always have, but then Nemo sort of pushed me over the edge. (Which is probably a bad thing to admit, but it's true.)

  26. Probably needed to enjoy his/her 200 winks with the wind tickling his/her shell and beach sand tickling his/her tummy. :D

  27. What a thrill that must have been, Debra! Such pre-historic looking critters.


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