Monday 25 June 2012

Lesbians and Cats

It's no secret that many lesbians luuuuuuuuv cats. And it's a reciprocal love affair. A popular button and t-shirt from a few years ago proclaimed that "4 out of 5 cats prefer lesbians!"

Leaving aside the obvious jokes about petting pussies, I think lesbians love cats because cats are:
  • beautiful and sensual,
  • extremely independent,
  • willful,
  • demanding, in the cutest possible way, and
  • more than capable of defending themselves.
Cats always put their own interests first and don't take crap from anybody. And their purring is irresistible.

Just like most lesbians, in fact!


  1. I love cats,my own is a fine example of all those qualities. I always give a massive eye roll when people say they're "scared" of cats.

  2. yes, we knew they like pussies... :)

  3. is that right,, well there you go,,, you made me laugh this morning, in my next life I want to come back as a cat,

  4. dogs are more touchy/feely... what's that say? :P lol

  5. Wait a minute...I love cats. Hmmmmmmm.

  6. Never a truer statement. Love the last image. :0)

  7. My cat is my best friend. We've grown old together.

  8. I've always heard the stereotype that lesbians prefer large breed dogs and gay men prefer cats. Hey, I don't care as long as the animals having loving homes. However lesbians loving pussy cats is hard to resist ain't it?

  9. I'm quite partial to cats. Does that mean I'm part lesbian?

  10. "4 out of 5 cats prefer lesbians!" Well, damn. I am not a lesbian and now I know why my cat hates me.

  11. I want to come back as a cat too, and sleep in the sun all day long. My two girls have a pretty cushy life.

  12. Well . . . I'm not a lesbian or a gay (happy) yes, but I still love my cat.

  13. Wait a sec,is that first photo photoshopped? Those cats don't look real.

  14. Makes perfect sense. My cats have all those qualities, and I adore them. I like that they have a mind of their own. And attitude. Although the attitude can be slightly frustrating at times :)

  15. The first graphic is kinda creepy.

  16. Cats prefer females ... gosh, that was even on MY blog! :D :D :D

  17. Cats are so much better than dogs...Dogs are soo needy...

  18. I'm not a lesbian but your connections to Lesbians and cats are spot on...Long live both!

  19. Cat's (in all sizes) are the perfect animal.

    One time I put my foot in it at work. I'd just settled myself back at my desk after having run home at noon (I lived fairly close) and innocently announced to all the girls that I felt so relaxed after having petted my cat for a while. Well you can guess where that went - hilarious and it was a long time before I lived that one down, lol!!

  20. I think that some men hated cats for some of the same reasons that lesbians love them.

  21. I will never look at a cat the same way again :>)

  22. I love the first shot! Are all the cats real, or photoshopped? Either way, it's great. **happy smiles** Deb

  23. Some of my most favorite cats are lesbians, or as my immigrant mother would say LAZABEANS

  24. Very true points Debs. Meanwhile us gay boys are more like dogs,most of us will just go up to another give a good sniff and lick their backsides!!!!!! I feel more like a cat myself, but I have dogs as pets, I don't know why.

  25. My mom is now just raising her first cat ever. He was a feral kitten who hid in the foyer for almost 2 months. Now, he took over her couch and will not, will NOT, stop meowing until my my gives him the "morning petting."

  26. I love my cat, but I'm relatively sure she only tolerates me for the free food.

  27. Those who love cats have great taste!

  28. Pisi and Squeak are discussing this entry right now. They can't figure out why they put up with me. But they do.

  29. And I love anyone who love cats!

    Give HRH a smooch for me!

  30. i love my cats like a crazy cat lady...and lesbians ain’t bad either.

  31. Hey there... that's a interesting reading... =)Could it be that even heterosexual also like cats and its just that majority of women like cats of all those suggestion you wrote?
    =) haha... i love cats. But are not Lesbian.

    =) Hope you have a great day.

  32. Is that why my cat ran away? =PP

  33. I got my first cat recently and am endlessly amused by his antics! He purred so loud at first that I thought something was broken and rattling around in there :-D


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