Tuesday 26 June 2012

Yes, Canadians are Smug!

And not only do we enjoy same sex hipster cred, hockey is still OUR game, dammit!

But we look forward to the day when same sex couples all over the world can tie the knot and pass around the rainbow wedding cake. Be it so!

Maybe even someday a gay wedding between NHL hockey players!


  1. That hockey card is great. What I'd love to see is an end to all the Hollywood "lavender" marriages, and the start of marriages between genuine couples regardless of their sex.

  2. Who can blame us for being smug? We're such cool people, eh...

  3. Anything is possible. Except that I will never watch hockey.

  4. maybe it already has taken place, for all we know there could already be gay marriages in the hockey world,

  5. Great cake. I'll have a slice of each color.

    As per your question yesterday, I never responded to my ex landlady's call and never heard from her again. Can't tell you how relieved I am.

  6. you mean if I don't watch hockey, I won't get citizenship? Can I just marry a hockey player? No? yes?

  7. let's see....who would jaromir marry? hmmmm...lemieux is the only one he ever got along with!

  8. Lol @ Lois! We are a pretty cool country :)

  9. That is a hockey card? I was hoping it was the sign hanging over the Peace Bridge. I mean I haven't crossed the border in a while but you never know. Anyway it made me laugh out loud. Have a great day my north western friend!

  10. Love that Welcome sign!
    Should've had two hockey players on the cake, though......

  11. Yep, you guys are light years ahead of the States. Hopefully, we'll catch up!!

    I saw that caption and thought of my recent post - glad you saw the humor in it, for a second I thought you were getting ready to "attack" the east coast of the US =PPP

  12. I heart heart heart Canada! And I've never even been! I don't know why Spirit saw fit for me to spend most of my life as a Texan (3 months straight of 110 degree days anyone)? I would have been a great Canadian. I'm "liberal as all get out" (that's a Texan saying), I LOVE cold weather, and I am at least mildly interested in hockey.

  13. I can't wait till the Priminister of Canada is a couple of gay married hockey players!

  14. Canadians are just sensible....and smart!....(and i only watch the playoffs....)

  15. Hockey and same sex marriage? What is our world coming too? Maybe a step in the right direction and you Cannucks are leading the way!

  16. that should read:

    so long as you both watch hockey - WITH A COLD TU-FER, AND HOT BACK BACON, WITHIN ARM'S REACH! ;)lol

  17. Canada sounds fun....hugs and kisses to all my fellow human beings.

  18. Thank you Canada, for setting a fine example. Now if we in the US would just follow it, wouldn't the world be a much better place?

  19. Ha ha. I admit, I am smug about our stance on gay marriage. When I hear the problems people are having in other countries I feel quite proud that it has been legal here for several years. I mean if we are going to protest something if will be over *important* things like the Canucks not winning the Stanley cup.

  20. My fiance and I are lucky that we live in Massachusetts because we are able to get married this year. Unfortunately we are living in the US... but What can you do when you don't have money to move?

  21. Can you just imagine...a wedding on center ice....be still my beating heart!

  22. Gotta admit...I'm not hatin' the cake!

    Course, I am very hungry, too.

  23. And we HAVE a lot to be smug about!! Oh Canada!

  24. Weddings between gay NHL hockey players and with all their gay military friends as guests. I would dance in my rainbow dress ;-)

  25. maybe I'm part Canaderian ..cause I sure as hell don't know what the big deal is about..jeez..

  26. I like hockey a lot, but I love curling. Love.

    Now to find a Canadian to marry. Hmm.

  27. Good for you, because today I had to tell my employee who has been living with his partner for 18 years he could not add his partner to the company's health insurance. I felt like sh*t.

  28. I`m still wondering what they mean by smug, has the definition changed?


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