Monday 23 July 2012

Dragons Teeth Point Labyrinth

One of my favourite labyrinths in Maui is found at Dragons Teeth Point, just north of Lahaina at Kapalua. This Chartres labyrinth is built on a black lava plain on the shore where the windward and leeward sides of the island meet.

Its location means that the winds and ocean spray can be ferocious. Sometimes the labyrinth is closed because it's simply too dangerous to walk there. But on the day we visited, everything was fine. You can see the ocean breakers hitting the sharp jagged rocks of the shore which give this spot its evocative name.

At the centre of the labyrinth, there was a little pile of stones and flowers left as offerings. It included some beautiful painted stones -- see the rainbow one? Some had Hawai'ian words painted on them, like wahine (woman) and kane (man).

Speaking of rainbows, there was a gorgeous one in the sky as we walked the labyrinth. Truly, this spot is a little piece of paradise!

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Dragon's Teeth Point is the perfect name for this spot. And somehow the fact that it is not always accessable makes it seem more magical. I've been in touch with a woman who leads small groups on labyrinth walks here but I've not heard back from her in ages. Must e-mail her again. This is something I would like to do.

  2. It's fantastic. I would love to go.

  3. Beautiful! Gorgeous scenery and to walk that labyrinth would be an honor.

  4. That is a powerful looking labyrinth! I'd love to attempt it on a wild day...

  5. next time I'm on looks amazing!

  6. It's a beautiful labyrinth, but more than anything, I'd just love to visit ANY place called "Dragon's Teeth Point." What a badass name.

  7. Looks like an amazing place to visit. Those stones are beautiful. What an interesting thing to discover. And how glorious to have had a rainbow on that day.

  8. those look lovely, Debs! And I'm with Lois above!

  9. Where are the hula girls? I want hula girls.

  10. OOh...I must put this one on my to do list. Love the rainbow stone and the rainbow pictures the best!

  11. Wow . . . that's beautiful!!!

  12. Looks like a gorgeous place to visit! I love how the waves splash up over the jagged rocks. I should move near an ocean, I love it so much I should live there!

  13. what a beautiful spot and lovely pictures! and YES I see the rainbow rock and its speculator.

  14. Amazing photos. I just love cool an dpretty places like this.

  15. How lovely... would love to visit there one day. And a rainbow would be icing on the cake of that already perfect view. :-)

  16. I have never been to Hawaii nor walked a labyrinth. Doing both at the same time seems like a bit of heaven to me. Lovely photo's Deb.

  17. So beautiful! We never got a chance to do anything like this when we visited...maybe next time....

  18. ab fab!

    can the labyrinth be used to trap sea creatures once the water recedes?

    food! that would be a major bonus!

  19. Wow - what a powerful spot - so picturesque and an added element of danger... walk the labyrinth if you dare...!

  20. I'm going to Maui in 2013, you bet I'll be visiting this place!

  21. I think it would be kinda cool to walk the maze and try to keep from being blown away at the same time.

  22. that is perfection, pure and simple,

  23. What an incredibly beautiful spot....Debra...thanks for showing us this.


  24. I can't believe I missed this beauty while in Maui. Maui is a piece of heaven on earth.

  25. I can see why this Labyrinth is your favorite. The combination of name, location, and construction have come together perfectly. The energy there must be amazing!

  26. What an absolutely stunning place! It's like Petty's with a labyrinth, super cool and beautiful. You can just feel the special energy of that place in your photos Debra!

  27. Wowwwwww!!!! That final photo is extraordinary! Also love the painted stones. What a sweet treasure.

  28. I saw this on a nature show on TV one night. I want to go! One day.

  29. What a gorgeous spot! I would love to see this one day! Stunning!

  30. Always, always love your labyrinth posts! If/when I ever visit Maui again, I'm going to go here and think of you. Maybe I'll add a rock with a bee painted on it just for you.

  31. Oh wow! That was incredible!

  32. Dang! We were in Maui a few years ago, but I didn't see or hear about that. Maybe We were too busy nearly drowning at what we thought was Tunnels Beach. Nasty undertow!

  33. Now this is a different envorin from the other labyrinths you have featured! I love the look of it. And Debs, while the Mother was here I came across a labyrinth in Doylestown and thought of you. I going back and taken more pictures and then Ill do a post in your honor!

  34. I would love to see this. Of course, I would also love to see the labyrinth from Chartres Cathedral in France, from the 13th Century! Maybe both of them, just not on the same day!

  35. That looks awesome! A cool maze AND a great view! Sounds like an excellent holiday!

  36. Looks like an AMAZING place :O wish it were closer

  37. This is absolutely gorgeous, and fascinating. Thanks for posting!

  38. I've never personally walked a labyrinth but I can absolutely see the beauty and Spirituality you must experience. I think my favorite part is seeing the stones left by everyone. Prayers in physical form.

    By the way, I closed my old blog (Hippy Jersey Devil) and opened a new one. Yes, I realize I'm like Cher with costume changes ; )


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