Wednesday 25 July 2012

Adventure Calls!

My cat, Her Royal Highness, has done it again. She has deserted me once more for another one of her crazy adventures. Long-time readers of this blog will remember, I'm sure, the times HRH ran off with the gypsies, toured with Lady Gaga, attended the Royal Wedding, etc. She never does anything by halves, that cat.

I woke up this morning to find the following note strategically placed under her empty food dish --

Ta ta, human, I'm off! Did I forget to tell you that I'm representing Canada at the Summer Cat Olympics in London? Oops, my bad! Anyway, by the time you read this, I will have snuck aboard a departing airplane to England and will be well on my way to OLYMPIC GLORY!!! Don't wait up.

Well, guess I'd better tune into the Olympics' opening ceremonies this Friday to see if I can spot her and the other feline competitors making their grand entrance along with the two-legged athletes.

*sigh* Here we friggin' go again . . . .


  1. I wish she had invited our two boxer pups along... we could use some time apart.

  2. My cat considered attending, but decided at the last minute she'd much prefer to stay sprawled on the couch and demand chicken on a half hourly basis. Priorities, I guess.

  3. How is London going to handle more than one HRH?????????? :D :D Can't wait to *see* all the news (mews)!!??!!

  4. I bet she will even carry the flag for Canada at the gala opening on Friday :)

  5. i will keep an eye open for HRH on friday. i wish it was cool enough to buy olympic mittens again!

  6. Damn. My cat can't write letters and has no idea who Lady Gaga is. All he wants to do is lick his ass. I have obviously failed as a cat parent.

  7. I wish her luck! My kittehs are too busy at home excelling in Fridge is Open Bag Noise We Smell Cheese MEOW! Not an Olympic event. Yet.

  8. Good luck HRH!! We will wave a flag in your honour!

  9. Thanks to HRH, we are going to be hearing "Oh, Canada" a lot at the medal ceremonies. Too bad my kittens are too young to give HRH some competition.

  10. I wonder what sport HRH will be competing in? I could see gymnastics being her speciality.

  11. Debra, HRH better remember to bring you some mementos from the Queen's land, because she took off, but apparently did not forget to empty her food bowl before doing so. Can't wait to hear more of her accomplishments in the Olympics.

  12. Hahaha...I love HRH; she's a smart one -- and very adventurous. Knows how to live it up. You go, HRH.

  13. My cats want to know how come she has opposable thumbs?

  14. Wow, no notice. Well you know how those royals are.....
    Will be sure to watch for the smack down of the Highnesses in London....should you warn Elizabeth? Oma Linda

  15. I wish her safe travels...and a warm welcome when she comes home! xo

  16. Why that little scallywag! But at least now you know why there were cat sized hand weights, oops - I mean paw weights under the bed!

  17. That crazy cat! Always getting into the action!

  18. Safe travels HRH! May you return safe to your human!

  19. We will be watching to see if she makes an appearance in the opening ceremonies. I hope HRH will be OK. I have heard there are a lot of crazy parties that go on during these events. Hopefully she will not end up in a YouTube video doing something embarrassing....

  20. Oh, I'm jealous. My cats never go anywhere fun!

  21. I love your cat! She is the Auntie Mame of kitties!

  22. Wow, Holly would've loved this had she known it was that time of year.

    She specializes in motorboat purring.

  23. checking to make sure Dexter is still here...yup..should have known..he's too lazy to leave.

  24. Her Royal Highness will serve Canada proud ;o) She is precious! Love her face!

  25. gopher it, hrh!

    with NO tv, i won't have to suffer thru any more fake 'olympics'... the folks are neat - the ioc sucks, along with their 'judges'!

  26. I can just imagine the mischief hrh will get into, can't wait to hear about it Deb, maybe HRH is tired of the thunderstorms, I know I need a holiday. anyway hope all goes well with Hrh and that you don,t worry too much.

  27. As frustrating as it may be, that cat brings tons of adventure to your life! What a dreamer and doing she is. Big hug! Paws are crossed for the win.

  28. I love that photo!!!

  29. Hoping she doesn't come home in the same shape as Luna!!! Those British cats are pretty smooth...

  30. Oh YRH, you're the purrfect representative for all the kitties both in Canada and the U.S. We can't wait to her more about your advetures and all the steps your taking for kittydom! All Hail…

    Miss Bella and Sele

  31. I'm cheering for HRH. I know it is a hard blow, Debra, but you have a mother's heart and you know furry children will be, well, cats. My Piano Man, the Little Princess and I will be glued to the TV on Friday, looking for Her Royal (Olympic) Highness!

  32. Someone has to carry the Canadian Flag in the opening ceremonies.

  33. Too funny! Is this really her in the photo? Cute-cute!

  34. Oh Wow! Gone for a short time and look what happens! HRH is off on another of her GRAND adventures! :0)


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