Friday 6 July 2012

Good Summer Reading!

Those of you who know Magaly Guerrero from her blog Pagan Culture know already that she is a talented writer of magical realism and dark fiction. She has just released her first e-publication, a short story called AlmaMia Cienfuegos which is a tremendous read!

It's the story of a nine-year-old tomboy with a rock in one hand and a mango in the other, always getting into scrapes and trouble. Her witchy grandmother Mamabuela protects her as best she can, but AlmaMia suffers from a troubled and dysfunctional family life. Her mother Vanesa and her big sister Soledad always seem to have it in for her for some mysterious reason. And why is everyone so focused on AlmaMia's silver charm bracelet?

Magaly is working on further stories about AlmaMia and a full-length novel about her too. She has created a wonderful, delightfully real character in AlmaMia and her story gripped me from beginning to end. I look forward to reading more of AlmaMia's spooky adventures!

And best of all, AlmaMia Cienfuegos is available for only 99 cents on (click on the link to go right to it)! If you don't have a Kindle, there's a free downloadable Kindle app at the same link. To borrow a phrase from Magaly: "Enjoy, my wicked darlings!"

[Images used with permission of Magaly Guerrero.]


  1. And don't forget about Magaly's blogs, Debra! Fascinating and from the heart.

  2. she is such a talent, and a lovely person as well, Loved this as well!!

  3. So what's the tomboy going to do? Kill someone with the rock or make a smoothie?

  4. Nice recommendation from one of my favorite people about another of my favorite people! And I have the story too (I won it, btw during Magaly's big AlmaMia blog event)

  5. Wish I were a more avid book reader. I seem to be more attracted to the cover artwork. Love the look of this cover!

  6. I read her blog but I'm one of those in the stone age that doesn't have a Kindle or a phone that supports apps. That is my next big purchase I'm planning though... so maybe someday soon!

  7. She really is so talented. Have a great weekend...and stay cool.

  8. Wow.. curious abou this now, will check it out. Thanks for posting about it!

  9. Sounds very entertaining, I'll go and download it now!

  10. Wonderful spotlight on the beautiful and creative soul Magaly...sounds like a super- intriguing story..powerful and adventurous too! Shine on..thanks for sharing her talent!

  11. Almamia Cienfuegos is one of my favorites of Magaly's writing. She always makes the adventure full and real. This is a super review. Oma Linda

  12. OH, sounds very interesting. I must check this out...

  13. thx for the intro to a writer of worth... will look her up asap :)

  14. I'm always looking for a good read....thank you,


  15. For the price, it's worth the a try. Sounds like it could be a good read for my students, too. Thanks!

  16. I cant wait to check this out!

    Thank you for posting!

  17. Great review. I love the illustrations. This sounds right up my alley - I like spooky and dark and I need to find out about that charm bracelet... !

  18. That is an awesome bracelet! I think having a mango in one hand and a rock in the other would be pretty nifty, come to think of it.

  19. Sounds very interesting. Thanks for the recommendation, Debra.

  20. will try and remember to download it to my kindle...thanks for the info.

  21. Will try do download to my kindle :)

  22. So very cool, it's time to get a kindle!

  23. Thanks for reviewing AlmaMia Debra, I'm currently rereading the first few chapters of the novel (I had taken a break and need to get in the Caribbean mood again) and all these comments put me right back in the heat.

    Barfly, you made me roar!

  24. Thanks for the recommendation! I love magical realism and latino literature. Will.definitely download and also check out the blog. Thanks so much!


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