Monday 9 July 2012

Summer Plans

I need to do some de-cluttering, organizing, shredding, de-junkifying, etc. over the summer. I'm going to make myself a "to do" list and then do one or two items each evening until they are all accomplished. Yes, I am!

But alas, it means that I'll be blogging less frequently for the next couple of months because the time to do all those chores has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?

Man, I need to win the lottery so I can hire minions. But until that happy day comes, *rolls up sleeves* I got work to do!

Oh don't worry, Your Royal Highness. All your junk is safe.

[Captioned cat photo courtesy of Cal's Canadian Cave of Cool]


  1. Oh the eternal struggle with clutter. Good luck!! But don't be gone too long!

  2. favourite thing. I'm a minimalist, so de-cluttering is a passion. Well, not really a passion, but very satisfying. Enjoy! And yup, cat stuff is never junk, is it? Even a rolled up ball made of foil is part of the collection.

    We will miss your regular posts, but we'll be here whenever you add something!

  3. thats a wealthy cat! I hear you on the decluttering, we had to do that when we moved, its quite refreshing and freeing, less clutter makes life a bit simpler, for some, but for some its stressful parting with stuff, slowly slowly is always good, cat clutter is always a good thing though,

  4. a proof that we all really need us some minions!

  5. It's amazing how easily we can become overwhelmed with clutter. I just went through decluttering before my move and it seems another go-round might be in order.

  6. I'm sure her royal highness you help you ---er watch you.

  7. I hear you! My entire life needs decluttering! Need to knuckle down myself, so tedious but it has to be done.

  8. My Kiki has a huge pile of toys, she loves to play. Alas, new kitty Luna does not play and Kiki can't understand it. Drink wine, it makes it easier to declutter. I must admit, I love getting rid of stuff almost as much as I like getting stuff.

  9. Where does one hire minions anyway? I tried Craigslist, but got some very, very sad results usually concerning the card game Magic the Gathering.

  10. I agree with Martha - de-cluttering is kind of fun and satisfying. I could also stand to make a to-do list and get working on it.

  11. funny...this is my plan for today. declutter one area!

  12. Could you tell me how a lazy person gets rid of the clutter because I haven't quite figured that one out yet?

  13. I bitch and moan about organizing and de-cluttering but it feels so good once my objective is done. Of course it's an ongoing process but something is better than nothing. And I'm so glad HRH's things will be left in tact.

  14. Well if you do win the lottery and hire all those minions, could you put a few on the minion bus to Ontario for me? Best wishes in your summer of decluttering!

  15. One of our royal highnesses ran off with Mr. RK's sock last night. Foot fetish?

  16. My cats do not play with toys, they are lame. Happy simplifying!

  17. My list just says:
    Do something.
    Do it well.

    Do something else tomorrow.

  18. Her Highness can keep anything too big to get sucked up the vacuum hose!
    Minions (sigh) I need one of those.....

  19. keeping it simple is hard work...but worth the effort....the mind just can't be at rest when the home is disorganized. Our home is our make it restful.....

  20. Great cat photo! Remember to be nice to yourself if you don't follow your list according to plan.

  21. Good luck with the de-clutter...I enjoy throwing things out/giving them away! Its the minimalist in me!

  22. Well honey Im still at the beach and wish I could be there to help you!!!! And Iif I ever win the big one, money that is, Ill send you a chuck of change!!!

  23. oh that dreaded de-cluttering project... I am with the cat "did is my collection!"

  24. Oh good luck - it's a constant battle isn't it?!

    I'm sure her Royal Highness will be great at supervising. Perhaps you are her minion?

  25. Sounds like good projects for the hot "dog days" of Summer! :0) Then more time can be spent having fun in the "Kool Kitty Days of Autumn". :0)

  26. I'm impressed. I'm a clutter bug and I try, but with few successes. I'll think of you and your nightly tasks to try to motivate myself to do at least a little bit here and there.

    Good luck!

  27. channel your inner Hestia and get the decluttering going! its wonderful when you start xo

  28. hrh needs must keep junk inna trunk! :P lol

    btw - der wer a cupple more'n 2 canuckleheads on star trek:

  29. I'm pretty sure you don't hire minions, you grow them in a lab or something.

  30. I just took the dining room table out and gave it to Babs..I've only used it about 6-7 times..and by getting it out I can move book cases around and see if I can reduce some of my books...I swear they are breeding..
    finally got the pictures posted of the Canaderian Party.

  31. Alas....I am doing something similar....see you when you return.


  32. Hey I hear ya HRH! Just let them try, right?
    Good luck with that list Debra! Hm-m-m, good idea!

  33. Debra, I am cleaning and decluttering this summer, too! And oh to have minions! Drawer by drawer, room by room progress is being made at my house. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Best wishes to you!


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