Wednesday 8 August 2012

Chariots of Fur

My cat, Her Royal Highness, is a true champion. She never gives up! Here is today's email from the London Cat Olympics --

Hello, human. The track and field racing events were held today. This might surprise you, but cats can actually be quite lazy creatures who don't want to exert themselves all that much. So getting together a field of CATletic competitors can sometimes be a challenge . . . .

But of course I was very keen to race -- still hoping to win a medal! Here's a shot of me in action . . . .

Not every cat is motivated by medals, however . . . .

But, no matter what the incentive, NO KITTY ALIVE could catch the Jamaican feline flash, Puss-ain Bolt . . . . What a superstar!

Long story short, I just missed the podium by a WHISKER! But I'm not discouraged. My best event is coming up on Friday and I have a good feeling about it.

Luv, hugz and purrz from your cat, HRH.


  1. oh I loved this!!!

  2. you know, getting cat into a box is the easiest task ever, they and boxes love eachother.

  3. Cats being lazy? That's news to me :)

    Another round of fun!

  4. This post title wins a medal!!

    Poor HRH, time is ticking. Keep a good thought, it could still happen.

  5. She's very purrsistent isn't she? These are hilarious, epecially the "balls" one!

  6. I admire HRH's perseverance! I shall be hoping that she's finally is able to achieve her goal of a medal.
    (WoW! Bolt is extremely streamlined!)

  7. Poor cat! Just missed the podium by a whisker!

    Puss-ain Bolt sparked a chuckle! lol

  8. the black cat must be a super hero.....hope she's not competing kitty!

  9. Barring a CATastrophy, HR Highness should eek it out Friday.

  10. We love puss-air bolt too but don't worry you're still our fave. kitty athlete YRH ad we'll be cheering you on so loudly you'll hear it way across the pond.

  11. as soon as i saw the first pic i wandered if the start gun would be the opening of a can of cat food?

  12. Hi Debra...I'm quite certain HRH has a "gold metal" coming her way!~! (O:


  13. Such a trooper! Um, do cats play soccer? We need a little cheering up on the soccer field!

  14. Tell her HRH I'm pulling for her.

  15. today, 08/08 is world cat day... so your post is bang on, hrh :)

  16. OMG these are fantastic! First one is so true.

  17. I still don't believe she is in the games. I say she is getting high up in the viewer box with plenty of cat nip!

  18. Yeh Puss-ain Bolt ;o) Hang in there HRH, you will win a medal soon ;o)

  19. ah Debra- so funny , so funny. Much funnier than the real Olympics which are being taken very seriously down under.
    I wish I had a cat.

  20. What is it with cats and boxes? My fiancé and I put boxes down and have bets on which cat will climb in first and how many minutes it will take.

    (I need to get out more often.)

    Do you miss HRH yet?

  21. Haha the pics are awesome , some being so funny !

  22. Oh I've missed your humor! And HRH of course!

  23. You'll never get my balls???! hahahahaha My dog wish he had read this post sooner ;-)

  24. Keep Calm has taken over the World!

  25. I love that! Cats are amazing natural athletes and it's good to see them being worshiped for it!


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