Friday 10 August 2012

Olympic Glory At Last!

She's done it, everyone! Here is this morning's email from Her Royal Highness at the London Cat Olympics --

Hello, human. VICTORY IS MINE! On the very last day of the Games, I have finally won a GOLD MEDAL! Here's a picture of me wearing it -- don't I look like a true champion?

And, best of all, I won it in the MOST prestigious event in the whole Cat Olympics! It took every fibre of my being, every ounce of my self-discipline and control, every last drop of my feline training, but I performed better than any cat in the world . . . .

Okay, yeah, technically I also had a partner -- some cat from Ontario or somewhere -- BUT REALLY IT'S ALL ABOUT ME, GLORIOUS ME!!!

Now I can simply sit back and just let the cat food commercials, flea collar ads and other endorsement contracts roll in! I'll be purring all the way to the BANK!

Luv, hugz and purrz from your Gold Medal Cat

Well! All I can say about this, HRH, is --


  1. Woohoo! I knew she could do it! Congrats HRH!

  2. I knew HRH would bring home the gold. If we could do it in Ireland this year, then there's no reason why a cat couldn't do it too.

    But it does look a bit like she was 'doped' for this event.

  3. Hooray for cat!! Hooray for Canada!!
    By the way, some of the Canadian chick athletes are pretty hot.

  4. Ha, this is brilliant. I see the possibility of a movie role as well - this is a story that needs to be told on the big screen! Concatulations!

  5. This is a really cute Olympics. I'm sure the cats feel proud of themselves :)

  6. Hip, hip hooray!!!! I knew HRH could do it.

  7. I knew she would makes us proud!

  8. Congrats, HRH! Brings tears to me eyes...

  9. Most Awesome!!! A Kitty to be proud of! :0)

  10. The perfect sport for HRH! Way to go. All that practice over the years has paid off.

  11. This is indeed an Olympic moment! I am quite overcome with emotion. HRH, I kneel before your golden greatness!

  12. Hats and horns, let's start the party. So very proud of HRH's achievement. My cats are so envious and would love an autograph from a World Champion Cat. xoxo to you and the Gold winning, HRH

  13. Your RHH we never had any doubt you'd reign supreme. Congrats! M. Phelps has nothing on you :)

  14. That is the BEST event!
    Congrats to both of you and thanks for the cheery Friday laughs!

  15. job well done! My hero!

  16. And a Canadian kitty at that! Now we have 2 gold medals!

  17. That's some awesome right there.

  18. I am so happy for both of you, I have tears welling up in my eyes! *sniff* Congratulations HRH!

  19. Gold in the synchronised not giving a shit? Congrats!!! And here I thought she'd get it in the 100m sleeping for sure!

  20. O would think she would look more thrilled?

  21. *Love* the synchronization one!

  22. What a pretty, pretty medal you won!

  23. HUgs..i am smiling and lmao..totally very cute!

  24. What adorable kitties! I love that one of the fist bump. I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for two blog awards!

  25. I knew, HRH, that if someone could pull off purrfect the synchronized not giving shit routine it would be you. I'm pretty sure that other cat was just following your every command. You look glorious, indeed. Congratulations!

  26. LOL! Yeh, HRH!!! So proud of you!! Lay back and eat all the treats you want ;o)

  27. Your cat might have won the gold but mine had to win the silver for that category! So funny. So true.

  28. Those many hours of dedicated practice have paid off. Congratulations!

  29. Synchronized NGAS, my favorite sport, and they are performing it so well!

  30. Yah! I knew HRH could do it...she is so obviously gold medal material. The question is, why did it take so long?

    Well, at least she's finally raised up to the pedestal she deserves.

  31. OMG, I needed a laugh, and this made me laugh out loud!!! Way to go HRH, you made your mama & Canada proud! xo

  32. Congrats on winning the Gold HRH!! But you already knew you were a winner...didn't you?

  33. Now that HRH has obtained her Olympic medal(congrats) could her next goal be running for president of the USA? We really need her dowm here because we are once again having to pick the lesser of 2 evils. A robotic billionaire who's goal is to make the rich richer and the rest of us their servants or a a nice Harvard alumni who seems unaware that you need to act like you care as the USA's economy goes doen the toilet. We would like HRH to cross the border and come to our rescue - AAY? She can easily be voted into the presidency, After all, it requires much less work than what she had to do to win her gold medal. Besides, the job comes with a free-flowing fountain of treats in the Oval Office. Plase send her to the US immediately. She is out last hope of being led by a cat with common sense. If she can't come for the full 4 year term, at least let her come long enough to trip all the Republicans at their stupid convention.


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