Friday 7 September 2012

Carol Shields Giveaway!

I have a brand new copy of Larry's Party by Carol Shields to give away to one lucky winner! Here are the rules for entry:

1. You must be an official Follower to enter. Old, new or just signed up to enter the contest, it's all good. And it doesn't matter where you're from in the world, I'll mail this book anywhere!

2. In addition to being a Follower, you must leave a comment on this post. If you leave a comment but don't want to be entered, just say so (and that's fine).

3. One entry per person (leaving 10 comments will still only result in 1 entry).

4. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Savings Time) on Wednesday, September 12, 2012.

5. The winner will be chosen by a random draw made on Thursday, September 13 and the results will be posted here on Friday, September 14.

Good luck, everyone! Thanks for being interested in my labyrinthine ramblings on this blog!


  1. Her I am! Yes enter me in the contest please, Debra!

  2. What the hell, I'm in.

    Is it ok to pawn, I mean, designate the book to another follower if I win?

  3. oh, my, what delightful book covers, you know how much me approves of colour green :)

  4. Since I have this book already Debra, I will enter this contest but wish everyone GOOD LUCK!

  5. Oh Debra....i was going to order this from Amazon...but now I have a chance of winning it a getting it for free!

    Yipeee......please count me in.


  6. Count me in Debra! I want that book!

  7. Great giveaway, Debra, everybody loves a good book. Count me in, too.

  8. Oh...lovely! I'm here, so please enter me. How nice!

  9. I can't pass up the chance for a book!!!! thanks!

  10. book? did someone say free book? damn

  11. That is so sweet, Debra! You are one rockin' blogger =)

  12. Great giveaway - please enter me for that, I never turn down the chance to get my paws on a good book.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sulky Kitten: I love your comment...paws. Hee!

    Please enter me, Debra,this book sounds wonderful!

  15. My family hate it when I read - they say I become antisocial - but screw them! - if I win, I'm reading it.

  16. I bet Jim's comment is causing you some mental anguish.

  17. I would love to be entered. Thank you.

  18. I've actually never read her before, so now I am curious.

  19. is that 'leisuresuit' larry's party? :O lol

    ah-ha... i see friday 13th comes on a thursday this month! ;)

  20. Oh how fun, please count me in! :-)
    What a nice giveaway. It looks like a very good book indeed.

  21. how fun!!!! I am super excited to participate. Carol Shields is an amazing writer.

  22. Great giveaway!!! Please count me in ;o) Thanks Debra ;o)

  23. I too, shall comment.

    Comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment.


    I'm all in.

  24. Beautiful book ~ I just popped in to visit and shall most definitely comment for my chance to win.
    peace & love & free books!
    Happy weekend~

  25. I got a message from Francie, saying that she really didn't want the book. Her email also said that if you happened to pull her name on the day of the drawing, then you should give the prize to me. Oh, and if someone contacts you saying that she's Francie and that I'm fibbing, don't believe that person, Francie's email was hacked and I'm the only one who can communicate with her via smoke signals ;-)

  26. I shall leave a comment to enter this contest and prove to myself, yet again, that I never win anything!

  27. count me in, don't know much about the book, but hey I need a good read.

  28. I would love to be entered in this giveaway. Thank you!


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