Monday 10 September 2012

Michelangelo in America

You know, it's a damn good thing that Michelangelo lived 500 years ago in Renaissance Italy instead of today in modern America. Thanks to that one simple fact, we can feast our eyes on this Creation of Adam . . .

. . . not this one.

In Italy, we can see this magnificent statue called David . . .

. . . instead of one called David in America.

Even Michelangelo himself would look different than he did in Italy . . .

. . . if he lived now in America.

[And a reminder -- if you haven't entered my giveaway yet, there's still time! Click here!]


  1. Har har these! Thanks for the morning chuckle :)

  2. The original David needs a penis pump.

    Just sayin'.

  3. HA! And oh dear, as it would probably be true. I love your description above about being thinking and learning style, I am random/abstract. The Mister is concrete/sequential...someone has to keep their feet on the ground! **happy smiles** Deb

  4. LOL!! Funny!!! But sadly, so true.

  5. Thanks for the Monday morning chuckle.

  6. So fun fact: here, people make fun of me for being 'skinny.' You know, like I'm some walking twig (I'm not - far from it). When I went to Thailand, where no one eats 4 cheeseburgers a day, I looked just like everyone else. Normal. So when did being healthy become 'abnormal' here?

  7. wow, thats a little startling, lol,

  8. I must remember not to sip on my coffee and look at your blog... har har har she laughs with coffee spewing out of her mouth!

  9. Once again, Debra, you have hit the nail on the head; ouch! LOL!

  10. Sad but true - especially the McDonald's one.

  11. Love the Mc D's drive thru picture. "snort"

  12. I am so glad he lived back then! But it makes me wonder what great artists of our time are doing crap/pop/art now and not working on masterpeices! (or worse and are actually working at McDonalds!)

  13. I agree with the above comment someone made. David has such a hard, nice, pumped body, and then that penis. There are a trip!

  14. too much fast food = fat david :P

  15. There was a silly group of people years ago in the States that tried to ban the showing of classical art because they viewed it as pornographic. Silly, silly people.

  16. Haha.... fat David is also sadly not much of a lover!! You see he gets winded easily!!!

  17. God needs to stop giving the poor guy hamburgers and fries. His cholesterol for goodness' sake. Then again, pizza and martial arts made him green.

    I wonder if the Canadian David anoints himself in maple syrup...

  18. That is freaking hilarious!! Funny but true, hoser.

  19. although funny, very true... in reality he would have no time to create anything since he would be working 10 hrs a day, with no vacation guaranteed by law, no sick day, over stressed and guess what? no place to be a jack of all trades ;-)

  20. LOL! I don't know what to say! Thanks for the laugh!

  21. The first picture is funny - Adam has a belly button. Also, I was reading somewhere that the pink around God may represent the human mind...

  22. OMG! I needed a good laugh today...thanks for that!

  23. Funny, we were just trying to remember the other Ninja Turtles' names the other day. We're geeks like that.

  24. Love the one with the McDonald's bag. GRRRrrowl!


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