Sunday 30 September 2012

Hollywood Spy 2012 Heart Award!

Her Royal Highness and I have just received a 2012 Heart Award from Dezz's Hollywood Spy blog! Isn't that nice of him? Dezz is the "go-to guy" if you want to read all the inside scoop on upcoming movies and their stars. His popular blog just received its 2 millionth visitor and he celebrated by handing out various awards to his readers. When HRH gets out of the slammer, I know she'll be tickled pink to have been included in the award.


  1. my penguins have made me mention HRH too :) I suspect she bribed them with some royal sardines :PPP

  2. Congratulations to Dezmond, I'm one of his followers. Sure, you can use my picture with Nutella. Let me know when you post about Nutella. It is a national treasure here in Italy:)

  3. Congratulations on the award! You and HRH certainly deserve it :) Hope she's out of the slammer soon.

  4. How long will HRH be incarcerated? She'll be fun when she gets out...teehee...

  5. congrats a bunch!
    i think we need to plan a rescue---let"s break hrh out of that russian gulag!

  6. When does HRH get out of the slammer? Congrats on the award!

  7. THE monkey in me is soooooo jealous!!!! the blogger in me is doing mental high fives, jumping, doing the victory dance! Congratulations. (what did HRH doooo? must catch up asap!)

  8. I love your blog and just became a new follower! Maybe you could return the favor? Hop on over to:, read it, and follow me if you like it! That'd be AMAZING!


  9. Congratulations to you both!!! Very well deserved. :0)

  10. What an intelligent fellow, for you and HRH deserve all kinds of recognition. Particularly after going to this ordeal. I will have to think of something to do to welcome our furry heroine when she gets back ;-)

  11. Many well deserved congratulations to you and HRH =)


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