Friday 28 September 2012

Piratical Swag Winner!

Arrr, the draw did NOT go well, mateys. First, that silver-tongued devil Captain Jack Sparrow tried to sweet-talk me into givin' HIM the swag instead o' one o' ye. Then the thievin' scoundrel and I tussled hard over the bowl containin' all yer names on little slips o' paper. Blow me down, ye hearties, if the bowl didn't fall over the side o' me ship. The precious slips o' paper floated and bobbed on the briny waves for a few brief seconds and then sank down, down, down to Davy Jones' locker -- FOREVER LOST!

But luckily, one wee slip o' paper got hooked on a big spiny barnacle what was clingin' to the side of me ship. Using the point of me cutlass and the delicate skill of a surgeon, I was able to retrieve it. So yo ho ho, I am pleased to announce that the winner of the piratical swag giveaway is . . . .

Linda Wildenstein of Olde Baggs 'n Stuffed Shirts

I'll be contactin' ye shortly for yer mailing address but first, I must have a tankard or ten of grog to steady me shaken nerves after this traumatic ordeal. Aye, and then make Captain Jack walk the plank, the rum-soaked blackguard.


  1. chuckle...chuckle...sounds like you had quite a time with that cad...

  2. Arrrggghh! Me point has proven to be true. I just can't win anything!

  3. I'll, ahem, gladly take him off your hands, Debra. Seriously. Anytime. But congratulations to Oma Linda!!

  4. congrats to the lucky winner, you do pirate speak so darn well,

  5. pfft, smells like pirate business! Send Debs to the walking board! :)

  6. If'n I couldn't win the pirate booty, then me heart is a'pumpin' for merry makings for our own Oma Linda! Aye, she's a fine lass deservin' of the swag! As for Jack, point that plank this away and I'll be catchin' the blackhearted scalawag meself.

  7. Oh blow me down!!!!! Avast, me hearties....Cap'n Ry the Rogue will be bursting the buttons on his crusty, musty riggins when he hears the news of our winnings.
    Thank ye everso. I hope you gave that blaggart Cap'n Jack a tussle for his troubles.
    xoxo Oma Linda

  8. Ahhhh.......where in the world did you learn pirate speak??


  9. Next time, let me handle Jack Sparrow. I'll be glad to 'take care of him' :0

    Congratulations to Oma Linda!

  10. Linda, congratulations! (And your comment is wonderful.)

  11. Boys will be boys!!!

    Glad you were able to rescue one.

    All joys,


  12. You are better than I am, I would have given Jack anything he asked for ;-)

    Congrats, Oma!

  13. A blog with a pirate name to boot!

  14. Send Deb to the walking board?! hahahahahaha priceless.

  15. Yeh Oma Linda!!! So happy for her!!! Now send Captain Jack my way! LOL!

  16. Methinks you need to give Keira Knightly a rest and YOU can be in the next Pirates movie, what do you say?
    Congrats to the winner!

  17. Wow -- go away for a little while, and now you're a pirate! Oh, the blogger's life! Nice to see you in good spirits, matey!


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