Wednesday 19 September 2012

I Be a Blogoversary Blowhard Today, Arrr!

Avast, ye lubbers! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day once again! And if that be not reason enough to celebrate, me hearties, it be also the 4th blogoversary of this scurvy rat-trap of a weblog. So come and party with us all!

Here be My Rare One, bless 'er, sparin' no expense for the festivities . . .

And if Her Royal Highness the cat were here instead of in prison, she'd be pillagin' with the best of 'em, arrr . . . .

I've donned me special piratical gloves for the occasion and am well on me way to bein' the most drunken blackguard on the whole friggin' ship. Aye, the grog, it be flowin' like water . . . .

Smartly swing yer cutlass now and slice yerself off a big hunk o' cake . . . dig in, me beauties!

And be sure to sober up and return to this here blog tomorrow, when I'll be hostin' a piratical giveaway with some wonderful swag for the takin'. Arrr!


  1. Happy Anniversary. This is a wonderful place to visit when I get up in the morning. I'll drink to many more years.

  2. Me and the Admiral would join your motley crew if you would have us.

  3. Your rare one is as fair a wench as ever there was. Me and me mates will hoist a flag and harry the rummers that are holding HRH in their foul prisons.

    I've got me rum in hand and am sailin' three sheets into the wind. If the ship sails fair, I'll be back lookin to score some swag from yer fair hand M'Lady!

  4. :D :D :D

    Happy Blog Birthday!

  5. Happy anniversary! I can't speak like a pirate, but tell the kitty that I can provide a wench and some Dominican rum for the party ;-)

  6. Ahoy and Arrrrr! Stand back from the bilgewater, matey, oh, aye, and pass me a tankard or two. The boots on yer wench I'll be having now, too, hand them over, arrrrr, they be fine looking on me own feet.
    Four years ye been sailin' these bloggy seas?! Avast now, and put some of that cake on me gold-plated hook!!

  7. Well...shiver me timbers...Happy Blogoversary!!!

  8. Congratulations! I'll be having 4 tots of rum to celebrate!

  9. happy blogiversary! many more to come!

  10. Happy Blogiversary, Debra! I have actually had grog. It's not bad on a cold winter's day sitting in front of a warm fire with good friends. To bad you're not here in the States, if you talk like a pirate at Krispy Kreme doughnuts, you get a free doughnut! =)

  11. Ha! That was fun!
    Happy Blog-versary! :0)

  12. Cap'n Ry the Rogue and I would like to wish you a Happy Blogoversay. And I'll be back for the swag...until think, tankards up.

  13. Ahoy to yer cake missus, and happy blogaversary t'yee and yer wench!

  14. No scurvy dogs here matie fer your blogoversary. Congratulations and may Davey Jones be kind to you in all your years. Still lighting a candle for YRH's release!

  15. Happy Blogoversary! I had no idea there was a Talk Like a Pirate Day! LOVE the kitty! **kisskiss** Deb

  16. I will be back but only if there is rum involved. ARRRGH!

  17. The happiest of bloggiversaries to you, you gorgeous blog pirate! Wishing you many more years of safe sailing on the sea by the name of Cyberspace!

  18. arrrrr..I'd like to be a pirate, except for the no baths, lack of limbs and the stupid parrot ..

  19. Happy blogiversary! Hope you and HRH are around for a long time to come :)

  20. Avast there, mateys, look sharp! It's a Blogaversary!

    Happy day to you! Yay! Or, er, argghhhh!

  21. Argh! Happy blogaversary. That's rum cake, right?

  22. Happy Blogoversary! Loving your special-occasion piratical gloves :D

  23. Thanks for the reminder! How could I have forgotten it was International Talk Like a Pirate Day!?!

    Love the photos, and also wish HRH were out of prison, though I'm sure she's pillaging in there, too!

    Congrats on the blogoversary...clearly, you have staying power...:)

  24. Yo ho ho and a merry blogiversary to you and Her scurvy Royal Highness. Meaorrrr!

  25. Arrrrrrrr! Have a flagon of grog on me! Congratulations!

  26. Congrats on the four years honey! But I refuse to talk like a pirate and dont even now how!

  27. arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh...ahoy, ye swabbies!

    ai sees y'are awreddy beyon' redemption wi'da glass, swiggin' 'at thar rum - thru nose, mouth an'... chin!

    damsel in distress... indeedy!

    ol bar-knuckle bill be joinin' ye lads n ladies, carryin' 50-gallon cask unner an arm, 500 lb. over udder shoulder, ta add ta good times, aboard good ship rainbow huntress :)

    parmishin ta board, cap'n?

  28. crap... should read: "500 lb. roast beast over udder shoulder"... :(


  29. Happy Anniversary! That cake looks delicious!

  30. happy anniveersary...perhaps the Ukettes can learn
    Map of Tasmania...cute little uke song...right?

    cheers and all the best...arggg.

  31. I join the others in saying congrats on 4 years!

  32. Congrats on the Anniversary! How did I miss talk like a pirate day? That one just flew by me!


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