Tuesday 23 October 2012

Dead and Moaning in Las Vegas

What would Halloween be without zombies? NUTTIN, that's what. So how can you up your zombie quotient at this all-important time of year? SIMPLE! Read this fabulous new e-book written by Brandon Meyers and Bryan Pedas, those two crazy bastards behind the blog A Beer for the Shower.

Take one zombie army, throw in Las Vegas, gambling, an Elvis impersonator, a drunk janitor, Walmart, non-stop action with MAJOR laughs and you've got Dead and Moaning in Las Vegas. And best of all? This Kindle e-book is a mere $2.99 at Amazon.com -- click here to go right to the page.

And as Brandon and Bryan always say: "Cheers and stay classy, friends."


  1. I bought this book when it came out and couldn't believe how well they blended humor and zombies...then again, it's Brandon and Bryan...Love them!

  2. Sounds crazy, but I could do with a laugh!

  3. I have yet to make my purchase but don't tell them that!

    Me so broke my broke is broke!

  4. I do love a zombie or two! Starting season 2 of the Walking Dead...

  5. I love me some good zombie humour! I'll have to check this out.

  6. Oh that sounds like the perfect Halloween read. Thanks!

  7. Not a big fan of zombies, but this book does sound fun. :0)

  8. Oh oh oh I want! Thank ya hon! I am a Senior this year..no not old..well kinda..as in school wise LOL at the University of Idaho..they have this whole zombie thing going..on youtube..http://youtu.be/blLI0Sf1P-o it is kinda fun. Hugs to you!

  9. Yup bought and paid for..whoot..or should I say..mooooaaaann..shuffle shuffle.....

  10. I saw a wee bit of their blog and now look forward to reading their book. Look out family - no dinner or attention for 5 days, tops.

  11. I am digging their very sage advice in their tag line! I think I'll have to practice that today.

  12. I love Zombies! "The Walking Dead" is one of my fave. shows, now I'll just have to check this ebook out. Thanks for the referral.

  13. my daughter loves this stuff, zombies scare the life out of me ,I am basically chicken !@#$, thank you for finding me, I have been reading all your posts but was unable to comment until I started my new blog, but I would surely would be sad if I didn't get my daily dose of your absolutely wonderful if somewhat off strange sense of humor ( I mean this in a good way), love ya!!

  14. We could not have described this book any better ourselves. No really, we probably couldn't have. So thank you for the killer shout out! You rock!

  15. Jeeze Loo-eeze. I've been off zombies since I saw Zombieland. Yuck! You sure it is funny??

  16. And by the way, have you got snow? If so, keep it west of Thunder Bay, will ya?

  17. Very cool shout-out, I thought the book was hilarious!

  18. What a steal! I'm a new GFC follower :)

  19. I get my zombie quota on the walking dead..but will check out the ebook.


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