Monday 22 October 2012

Halloween Goes to the Dogs

My cat doesn't usually let me post things about dogs. Her Royal Highness is kinda jealous and controlling that way. So I'd better take advantage of HRH's continued temporary absence from Canada to post some adorable doggy Halloween costumes while I still can . . . .

Isn't this one of the BEST costumes EVER? (And may I just add, Arrr!)

Look at this adorable MUTT-tini! Must be James Bond's dog. Shaken but not stirred.

And how about this scary ghost, LOL!

Hey, how did this photo get in here?


  1. Love the muttini! We have a puppy and a few cats. The cats are enjoying teaching the puppy to act like a kitten, which he seems to be picking up well. He doesn't mind when we dress him in a costume... much unlike the cats. He's either going to be a referee, or, as we named him after Lando from Star Wars, if I get my sewing machine out and make him a cape, he shall go as his namesake.

  2. That ghost costume would be perfect for my Italian Greyhound. He's got the longest schnozz and the beadiest eyes - a perfect fit for that costume.

  3. oh, I really hope all those little kittens and pooches take revenge on their masters for this humiliation :)

  4. Too cute! Mutt-tini indeed! :D

  5. OMG! The dog with the sheet just about killed me this morning! So cute...and might I add very daring of you to do so! HRH must never know...otherwise the look of disdain may happen!

  6. The first one is fantastic! I think my pup would go for that - otherwise it'll have to be the sheet.

  7. Those are great! Love the pirate(s) dog!

  8. these. Always fun when they will actually wear them:) Hugs to you hon!!

  9. The Muttini is genius! Also love the ghost. And what's not to love about the kitten?!

  10. Every one of them is so adorable, but the little kitten just has to be my favorite.

  11. Another reason why cats are superior to dogs. Those costumes! It's different for a kitty to dress like a witch but the shame of wearing those other doggie costumes. HRH I'm sure would laugh her head off.

  12. Those were great. Poor doggie with the head cone though. Loved the kitty too!

  13. These are cute pics! I not sure about trying to put costumes on my two big German Shepherds, though.

  14. oh my gosh, what we do to our pets!!!! Love the ghost dog, I had to stat another blog, I hope you might find me,

  15. Dogs are so patient. I should make Luna into a Cat-tini, she seems to live in the cone-of-shame.

  16. Pet costumes are one of the best things about the Halloween season!

  17. Hi lovely! I nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! Yay!

    All of the information is here ^^. Congrats and talk to you soon!


  18. I love dogs. They're soo cute...

    (Hey Debra - for some reason when your comments come to me in email form, they've been getting sent to my spam folder for about a month. I will be more vigilant on checking the blog site for comments)


  19. Love these!! Too cute! The first costume is amazing! And, that last picture is too adorable!

  20. Hey Soph, come take a look at these!!! Especially the last one!!!
    Loved these Debra.

  21. can anyone see me being either brave enough or stupid enough to put a costume on Dexter?...yeah, right.

  22. My guess is the kitteh mauled the photographer right afterwards ;)

  23. I don't know Buster would let me do this to him, although , he did let me put a bow tie on him for New Years Eve!

  24. So cute! I love that first one. And, of course, there must always be a cat somewhere in there. It's the rule.

  25. Hahahaha!!! OMG I'm still laughing! haha! Thanks for sharing. And it's so funny that all dogs get that humiliated look when wearing the collar...

  26. The Charlie Brown ghost costume reappears!

    All those costumes are simply priceless.


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