Friday 19 October 2012

HRH Has Been Sprung!

This morning I received wonderful news from my cat, Her Royal Highness. HRH's days in a Russian jail cell are finally over! But here, I'll let you read the email for yourself --

Hello human! Pussy Riot's appeal was heard a couple of weeks ago and guess what? The court released one Pussy Riot girl AND ME!!! However, the other two Pussy Riot girls must continue to serve their full two-year jail sentences. I feel bad for them, but woo hoo! I'm outta here! I have to work off a bit of parole time but that shouldn't take too long, hopefully.

Remember my old pal, Mr. Whiskervitch?

He's been SO helpful. I need a job while I'm on parole so he pulled a few strings and got one for me, the sweetie. The only downside is that the job is in Saint Petersburg rather than here in Moscow. Mr Whiskervitch arranged for his boss to take me along on one of his trips to Saint P so now I am here in that city. For obvious reasons, we had to travel incognito because his boss can't afford to be seen with a Pussy Riot compatriot. That's why I'm wearing a disguise in this photo. 

And yes, Putin travels EVERYWHERE without his shirt on to prove how macho he is. MEN!

I'll write again once I've started my new job. Until then -- love, hugz and purrz from your LIBERATED kitty!


  1. Freedom at last! Congrats to HRH! Now she needs to keep her whiskers out of trouble!

  2. Wonderful news about HRH! Some men should cover up that's for sure!!!

  3. This is great news indeed. Hope the parole is not too long. You need to be home for Christmas, don't you think? Hope you don't have to hangout with Putin too much, blech.

  4. Lol..I don't know what to just make me laugh! yay for kitty freedom! Here's for a speedy parole!

  5. Great news. Are you going to throw her a party?

  6. Ha! But how long will she be able to stay out of trouble? Paws up, this is great news!

  7. Justice for HRH! I'm sure she'll be celebrating being sprung for days ... and possibly end up right back in there.

  8. Fantastic news! Let's hope things smooth out and settle down and let the celebrations begin!

  9. Dear Pussy:
    Having been to Moscow and visiting the Duma and having worked in the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, I will tell you that you will love the beauty and culture there.

    Please keep an eye out for the large packs of homeless dogs who run the streets, though. It could be a bit of a mess for you.

    Putin...what can one say? Neyt.

  10. Well congrats HRH. I'm glad that you're out of prison and on your way to what I hope is a short time in St. Petersburg.....then come home and regale us with you traveling adventures from the comfort of your home. Oma Linda

  11. Can she keep herself out of trouble? That is the real question. No, I stand corrected, can Putin put a shirt on? That is the real question.....

  12. Yay! HRH is free! And that man should put on a shirt!

  13. methinks HRH should be taken back to jail, somehow I don't feel safe with her on freedom... she's a devil, she is...

  14. Good for HRH, what an adventure.

  15. I still feel bad for the other two members. :(

  16. I wonder what type of community service she will have to do!

  17. Yeh Freedom!!! I am sorry for the other two members! Maybe, they can get out too? We have to keep trying!

  18. HRH is hilarious! It's a shame the other two are still stuck in prison. I hope that freedom is one day valued as an inalienable human right in Russia one day.

  19. That is great news! I just hope she gets home and isn't turned into one of those swank Russian fur hats worn by a Russian socialite!!!

  20. I wish he wouldn't pose for those photo ops without his shirt.

  21. Love reading about the (mis)adventures of HRH. Always brings a smile to my face.

  22. Way to go, HRH! Now let's try to work out a deal for those two left behind!

  23. Lol! HRH is free! Love the disguise!

  24. Well thank heavens! We were all extremely worried. I mean me and the 3 cats were worried or is it the 3 cats and I?? Anyway Flynn wasn't all that concerned but dogs are not overly empathetic. We're looking forward to the next letter!!

  25. way to go, hrh :)

    putin will always be just another pussy, which is why he tries so hard to deny it, with macho images... as if anything he does could hide it! :P

  26. We's SO glad HRH is out. Time to sing a Nelson Mandela song. We're still lighting a vigil candle for the two other imprisoned kitties!

  27. Congrats, HRH! But how can you 'stomach' that man on your delicate haunches?!?

  28. Wonderful news! this was a great post! blessings to kitties everywhere!

  29. meow like it! ironically, the very moment I was reading this Miss Phoebe jumped onto the bed as if to say..... "did you forget, its all about me."

    you are many things, and now, to that list, I'll add a master of disguise! bravo ~

  30. Oh my gosh, Putin without a shirt! That's scary. Nice to see you! Sorry I haven't been doing much commenting lately -- been too busy to even eek out a decent blog entry. Thanks for sticking around!

  31. Good news for HRH! I've heard that those siberian rats can be mean!
    But was very disappointed (but not surprised) to hear about the two Pussy Riots members who are being sent to a penal colony. Things really haven't changed much.....

  32. HAHA!!! Ok...gotta stop reading or I'll wake the family!


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