Friday 16 November 2012

Edmonton Tarot: The Fool (0)

Interpretation: The Fool is the first card in the Major Arcana. This card denotes unconsciousness, spontaneity, naivety, adventurousness -- someone with "beginner's mind." The Fool represents unlimited potential. It is numbered zero because the concept of nothingness contains all possibilities within itself. The Fool is open to new ideas and experiences and is willing to take risks, sometimes quite recklessly. The Fool is a seeker who is just starting out on the path to consciousness, transformation and wisdom. But the Fool's tremendous energy is unfocused and without direction.

Image: The Edmonton International Fringe Festival is North America's oldest and largest annual festival of alternative theatre. This Jester (Fool) is the logo of the Edmonton Fringe. It's found on a large donor recognition wall in the Old Strathcona Arts Barns where the organization is headquartered. My Rare One and I enjoy fringing every August, along with thousands of other Edmontonians.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. this is really cool, I'm learning a lot!

  2. this is so cool. i am lovin' this!

  3. Open to new ideas and enjoys taking risks? So, I'm a fool - my mother was right all along! This is going to be a great series!

  4. I love the colors of this one... fun series!

  5. I need that card - I am The Fool.

  6. I love the festivity of this Fool. It reminds me of a Mardi Gras for some reason.

  7. ah, to be a fool.... Beginners mind. :) thank you, Lois.

  8. I'm not sure how I missed your first Edmonton Tarot post. Guess I'm still not back *with it*!! I love tarot and have several different sets. I'm enjoying the Edmonton series.

  9. That is fantastic. I am really looking forward to the next installment.

  10. I don't know if reckless is quite the word to describe the Fool. She just assumes the universe will look after her - so maybe trusting?? I don't think that is right either. Oblivious?? that could be closer, but still not right. Anyway I love this version.

  11. I like the idea of zero being the number of infinite possiblities. Very Zen that.

  12. Really? I would have thought infinity would have contained all possibilities.


  13. One of my favourite cards ever and absolutely perfect for the Fridge Fest!

  14. Fascinating - based on this interpretation, being The Fool isn't all bad... I like the unlimited potential aspect.

    Love the Fringe :)

  15. Hmmm...I think I may have been quite the 'fool' in my younger years :) I've settled down since then...

    Very interesting post!

  16. Wow...that described me fairly well...

  17. very cool..the fool is one of my most fave cards! Love the art..and would love to go to the are so lucky..enjoy!

  18. Interesting. I have a feeling your tarot posts will be something to looks forward to here.

  19. You babble as much as YDG.

  20. I am honoured by your comment, BBC! So I won't delete this one.

  21. Seems a bit like my ex ;)

    Seriously, interesting post. Now I am curious who YDG is, and BBC for that matter.

  22. Hi Riot Kitty -- YDG is my pal Yellowdog Granny (her blog is listed on my sidebar) and BBC is our common troll, LOL!

  23. cool beans, deb :)

    [i've seen bbc fuck up many a blog(ger)]

  24. I never heard of alternative theater.

  25. Unlimited potential, unfocused energy - an interesting card. The Fringe Festival sounds like a wonderful event to explore outside the mainstream.

  26. BBC commented on a post about The Fool. How appropriate!

    I Fringed this year for the first time (I'm five hours north, else I might Fringe more!) it was really cool and I'd like to do it again.

  27. Ohhhhhhh no, don't even get me started on tarot cards! This should be a long series of post and will be intresting!


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