Thursday 15 November 2012

Edmonton Tarot: Introduction

Those of us who love tarot know that its imagery is all around us -- sometimes in the most surprising forms and places! I'm going to do a series of posts focusing on tarot imagery that I've found right here in Edmonton where I live. As usual, these posts will be intermittent although I'll try to post a new Edmonton tarot card every Friday.

The series will focus on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana. I'll briefly describe the meaning of each card and then tell you about the Edmonton photo I've chosen to illustrate it. All the photos have been taken by myself, My Rare One or by friends. I deliberately avoided using Edmonton photos that I could simply find on the internet because where's the fun and challenge in that? My only other rule for this series was that all the photos must be of public objects or public locations so that anyone can easily see them in Edmonton if they want to.

This post's photo is of a mural painted on the side of Sanctuary Curio Shoppe, a store just south of Whyte Avenue (one of Edmonton's favourite areas for shopping, bars and restaurants). Sanctuary is a wonderfully funky place specializing in pagan, goth and kink merchandise. The mural portrays the artist's interpretation of the Temperance, World and Star cards of the Major Arcana.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Now this is going to be fun! and interesting. I'm an astrologer, but never got in to tarot.

  2. I am looking forward to this. Like Turquoisemoon, I am an astrologer but have never gotten into Tarot...until quite recently with my Ladies of Avalon course. I've always thought the decks so beautiful.

  3. I lived on Whyte Ave for my three years at the U of A. From the Safeway to the Princess Theatre that was my 'hood'. Love that area of Edmonton.

  4. I don't know much about it. Never tried tarot...

  5. the art on tarot cards is always amazing!

  6. I join the list of folks who never got into Tarot. Guess I was too busy with the present to be concerned with the future. For the last two months 'it' (Tarot) has been everywhere. Why didn't I notice it before? Does it work for you? Or do you work with it? So many questions...

  7. What about those of us who don't love tarot?

    Kidding aside, I know absolutely nothing about tarot, so I'll be interested to read this. I'm sure I wouldn't recognize tarot imagery if it slapped me right in the face.

  8. Very interesting - why haven't I noticed this before? Sheesh! I'm definitely going to look for this next time I'm in the Whyte area - my daughter lives on 83rd.

  9. I haven't spent much time in that area of the city. I'd like to take an afternoon and just wander about. Maybe stop at the Hub Cigar Shop for a while.
    When I go there, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for the places that you've taken pictures of.
    Looking forward to learning a bit about tarot from you. :)

  10. How very cool! I love that you aren't just using internet pics (like my lazy self would!!)

    And I can tell that this is just going to make me want to visit Edmonton even more! (The husband and I have talked about taking the train trip across Canada since we rode from Windsor to Toronto when we were dating - we are just outside of Detroit!)

  11. What a great idea, Debra! Love this mural. I'm really looking forward to these posts as i am a big fan of the tarot. Sometimes I prefer the Motherpeace version (when I need some comforting)but I find the traditional version very powerful.

  12. Don't know a lot about Tarot, but loving the sound of "kink merchandise"

  13. Oh, How fun!!! A Tarot Tour of Edmonton!
    I bet this triptych is gorgeous to look at in person. :0)

  14. Oh fun!!!! I love the tarot and will look forward to your take on the cards.
    And I've never been to Canada, more especially Edmonton and look forward to the views of your city.
    A total win/win. Oma Linda

  15. Oh goodie! I'm looking forward to seeing all the tarot images and hearing about their meanings from you. Perhaps HRH will take a gander at one of the cards?

  16. Do you do readings? This is the same tarot where cards are laid out and spiritual readings are given, correct?

  17. Hi Workingdan -- Yes, I do readings for family and friends but I don't read professionally for money. It's a hobby for me, rather than a way to earn money.

  18. Very cool! Can't wait to see more. This is one of my favourite topics.

  19. This should be a fun series! Tarot imagery can be so beautiful.

  20. Edmonton is Brutal Cool!!! My tarot cards went to live with eldest son, he is good. They freaked me out a time or two. I have my Motherpeace deck still, might have a look-see. Lois

  21. Interesting stuff! I know nothing about it so it will be fun to read.

  22. It's been ages since I have even seen tarot cards. I had some years ago, I loved the art and symbolism. Can't wait for a refresher course!

  23. I used to dabble in the Tarot...I can't wait for these posts!

  24. I am anxious to see more and to learn more ;o)

  25. tarot card history is a major study on its own... thx deb :)

  26. Chica - I always love it when you do a series! Fun, engaging and I always learn a thing or three. I'm not familiar with Tarot, either, so I'm looking forward to enjoying the photos and stories. You're the coolest!

  27. Hi Debra, thought I'd let you know I was down on Whyte this morning & spotted this - thanks to you :D

    It's quite striking - funny how I've probably passed it a hundred times and yet never noticed it before - maybe because I didn't know what I was looking at...?

  28. Somehow, tarot reminds me of two things: The "Tarot" restaurant in Montreal, which makes the best couscous and Carmina Burana.


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